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Economic Theory and Econometrics

Optimal Behavioral Matching

Peer Effects in Consideration and Preferences (with Nail Kashaev and Ruli Xiao) Revise and Resubmit at Review of Economic Studies

An Ordinal Approach to the Empirical Analysis of Games with Monotone Best Responses (with John Quah and Koji Shirai) Revise and Resubmit (2nd Round) at Quantitative Economics

Co-Diffusion of Technologies in Social Networks American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2020, 12, 193-228

A Note on Identification of Discrete Choice Models for Bundles and Binary Games (with Jeremy Fox) Quantitative Economics, 2017, 8, 1021-1036

Endogenous Information Acquisition in Bayesian Games with Strategic Complementarities (with Rabah Amir) Journal of Economic Theory (JET), 2016, 163, 684-698

Hot Spot Policing: A Study of Place-Based Strategies to Crime Prevention (with Amilcar Menichini) Southern Economic Journal, 2016, 82, 893-913

Treatment Response with Social Interactions: Partial Identification via Monotone Comparative Statics Quantitative Economics, 2015, 6, 49-83

A Nearly Optimal Auction for an Uninformed Seller (with Matt Van Essen) Economics Letters, 2014, 122, 396-399

Comparison of Equilibrium Actions and Payoffs Across Players in Games of Strategic Complements Economic Theory, 2013, 54, 777-788

Out-of-Equilibrium Performance of Three Lindahl Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence (with Matthew Van Essen and Mark Walker) Games and Economic Behavior, 2012, 74, 366-381

Network Effects, Market Structure and Industry Performance (with Rabah Amir) Journal of Economic Theory (JET), 2011, 146, 2389-2419

Financial Economics

A Dynamic Model of Firm Valuation (with Amilcar Menichini) The Financial Review, 2018, 53, 499-531

A Dynamic Model of the Firm: Structural Explanations of Key Empirical Findings (with Amilcar Menichini) The Financial Review, 2015, 50, 341-361