MATH 22: Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables (Summer 2024)

Course Info

Instructor Info

  •   Jadyn V. Breland (he/him/his)
  •   Office hours: 2:15-3:15PM
           T/Th McHenry 4117

Exams (30% of Final Grade)

  • Assignment Description: There will be 1 timed midterm exam and 1 timed final exam. Both exams are administered during class. Each exam is worth 15% of your final grade. The exam dates and any solutions can be found in the table at the bottom of this page.
  • Exam Policies:
    • Note sheets: I do not expect you to memorize all the material. On each exam, you are allowed to use one two-sided 8.5in by 11in sheet of notes. There is no restriction on what you may write on your note sheet - you might include examples, definitions, theorems, or whatever else seems important to you.
    • Missed Exams: If you miss an exam, you will receive a zero. Make-up exams will not be administered except in extreme circumstances, as determined by the instructor. Extreme circumstances must be adequately documented and confidentially brought to my attention as soon as possible.

Dates and Solutions

    The exam dates are posted in the table below. After the due date, I will also upload the questions and selected solutions.
Exam Review Problems Exam Problems Exam Date Exam Solutions
Midterm midterm_review.pdf midterm.pdf 7/10 midterm_solutions.pdf
Final final_review.pdf 7/26