MATH 22: Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables (Summer 2024)

Course Info

Instructor Info

  •   Jadyn V. Breland (he/him/his)
  •   Office hours: 2:15-3:15PM
           T/Th McHenry 4117

Weekly Assignments (25% of Final Grade)

  • Assignment Description: There are 4 weekly homework assignments, assigned (approximately) weekly during the first four weeks. Typically, weekly assignments will consist of 4 problems that require you to synthesize ideas we encountered in class. Problems will ordinarily come from the textbook, but will sometimes be written by me. You will submit a detailed write-up of your solutions to gradescope.
  • Purpose: This is a summative assessment designed to assess your learning each week. Additionally, each writing assignment provides you with an opportunity to synthesize ideas from class and to practice your written communication skills by writing convincing mathematical arguments.
  • Basis for Evaluation: The Weekly assignments constitute a significant portion of your final grade. You will be evaluated not only on the correctness of your computations, but also the clarity of your reasoning, your conceptual understanding of the problem, and the effectiveness of your communication.

    Each problem in a Weekly assignment will be worth 4 points. Your score for each question will be determined by the grader using the following simple rubric.
    Score Critera
    4 This is correct and well-written mathematics!
    3 This is a good piece of work, yet there are some mathematical errors or some writing errors that need addressing.
    2 There is some good intuition here, but there is at least one serious flaw.
    1 I don't understand this, but I see that you have worked on it; come see me!
    0 I believe that you have not worked on this problem enough or you didn't submit any work.

    The simplicity of the rubric is mostly for ease of grading. Specifically, the grader will be looking for evidence of conceptual understanding, correct mathematical reasoning, and excellent written-communication. Since the rubric is not very enlightening, you will generally recieve lots of written feedback on your assignment.

Files, Due Dates, Solutions

    The assignments will be posted in the table below.
Weekly Assignment .pdf Release Date Due Date Selected Solutions
1 Weekly 1.pdf 6/26/24 7/5/24 Weekly 1 Solutions.pdf
2 Weekly 2.pdf 7/6/24 7/12/24 Weekly 2 Solutions.pdf
3 Weekly 3.pdf 7/13/24 7/19/24
4 Weekly 4.pdf 7/19/24 7/26/24