If you are interested in improving your proof writing skills, I suggest that you consult Dana Ernst's Elements of Style for Proof. There are lots of neat tips in there that you might take advantage of!

Weekly Assignments (50% of Final Grade)

  • Assignment Description: There will be 5 Weekly Assignments. Weekly Assignments will released at the beginning of each week and will be due the following Sunday at 11:59PM. Weekly assignments will consist of several problems that require you to synthesize ideas we encountered in class. In general, the problems will be proof-based. These assignments will require more time and deeper thought compared to the Daily Assignments. Additionally, you are required to write your solutions using $\LaTeX$. You will submit your write-up via gradescope.
  • Purpose: You will synthesize the weeks material and demonstrate your understanding by attempting to write correct and rigorous mathematical proofs. Additionally, you will learn how to type-set mathematics using $\LaTeX$.
  • Basis for Evaluation: Each Weekly Assignment is worth a significant portion (approximately 10%) of your final grade. You are required to write your solutions using $\LaTeX$. If your submission is hand-written, you will not recieve credit unless you have obtained prior authorization from me. Each problem will be worth 4 points and your score will be determined by me using the following simple rubric:

    Score Critera
    4 This is correct and well-written mathematics!
    3 This is a good piece of work, yet there are some mathematical errors or some writing errors that need addressing.
    2 There is some good intuition here, but there is at least one serious flaw.
    1 I don't understand this, but I see that you have worked on it; come see me!
    0 I believe that you have not worked on this problem enough or you didn't submit any work.

    The simplicity of the rubric is mostly for ease of grading. Specifically, I will be looking for evidence of conceptual understanding, correct mathematical reasoning, and excellent written-communication. Since the rubric is not very enlightening, I will generally leave lots of written feedback on your assignment.

Assignments, Templates, & Due Dates

    The assignments and due dates will be posted in the table below. Additionally, I will provide the .tex files so that you have a template to start your write-up with. Note: The Overleaf links take you to a "read only" page. You can copy the assignment to your Overleaf projects by clicking "menu" inn the upper-left corner of the screen and then clicking "copy project".
Weekly Assignment .tex .pdf Overleaf Release Date Due Date Selected Solutions
1 weekly1.tex weekly1.pdf weekly1 Overleaf 7/25/22 7/31/22 weekly1sol.pdf
2 weekly2.tex
Place both files in the same folder.
weekly2.pdf weekly2 Overleaf 7/31/22 8/7/22 weekly2sol.pdf
3 weekly3.tex weekly3.pdf weekly3 Overleaf 8/7/22 8/14/22
4 weekly4.tex weekly4.pdf weekly4 Overleaf 8/16/22 8/21/22
5 weekly5.tex weekly5.pdf weekly5 Overleaf 8/22/22 8/28/22