Score | Critera |
4 | This is correct and well-written mathematics! |
3 | This is a good piece of work, yet there are some mathematical errors or some writing errors that need addressing. |
2 | There is some good intuition here, but there is at least one serious flaw. |
1 | I don't understand this, but I see that you have worked on it; come see me! |
0 | I believe that you have not worked on this problem enough or you didn't submit any work. |
Weekly Assignment | .tex | Overleaf | Release Date | Due Date | Selected Solutions | |
1 | weekly1.tex | weekly1.pdf | weekly1 Overleaf | 7/25/22 | 7/31/22 | weekly1sol.pdf |
2 | weekly2.tex quiver.sty Place both files in the same folder. |
weekly2.pdf | weekly2 Overleaf | 7/31/22 | 8/7/22 | weekly2sol.pdf |
3 | weekly3.tex | weekly3.pdf | weekly3 Overleaf | 8/7/22 | 8/14/22 | |
4 | weekly4.tex | weekly4.pdf | weekly4 Overleaf | 8/16/22 | 8/21/22 | |
5 | weekly5.tex | weekly5.pdf | weekly5 Overleaf | 8/22/22 | 8/28/22 |