MATH 103A: Complex Analysis (Winter 2021)

Course Info

    Title: MATH 103A: Complex Analysis
    Quarter: Winter 2021
    Credits: 5
    Time: TuTh 1:30-3:05PM

Instructor Info

     Jadyn V. Breland (he/him/his)
      Office hours Th 4-5PM & Fr 10-11AM
    The official syllabus for the course is located here. Some important information from the syllabus is summarized below.

Basic Course Information

    Prerequisites: MATH 23B; and either MATH 100 or CSE 101. MATH 105A is recommended.

    Textbook: Complex Variables and Apllications, Brown and Churchill, 9th Edition

    Lectures: Lectures occur synchronously via Zoom TuTh 1:30PM - 3:05PM. The handwritten lecture notes are available here.

    Teaching Assistant: Yufei Zhang ()

    TA Office Hours: To be determined.

    Discussion Sections: There are weekly discussions sections held on Zoom by your TA:
    Mondays 4:00-5:05 PM (or) Tuesdays 5:20-6:25 PM
    Sections start January 11th.
    Important: You are required to enroll in and attend one of the sections. You must enroll in the section you will attend via, or else you will not be able to submit the weekly quizzes on Canvas. If you enrolled in the wrong section, check out this page to see how to swap sections on myUCSC: Swap Discussion Sections on myUCSC.

    Canvas: We will use Canvas primarily for hosting grades. You will also submit your quizzes via Canvas. Login here: with your CruzID and Gold password.

    Zulip: We will use Zulip as a discussion forum for anything and everything course related. Students enrolled in the class will recieve an email to sign up near the beginning of the quarter. Students can login in to our Zulip forum here:

    Lecture Schedule: The tentative schedule of lectures and lecture notes can be found here. This page will be frequently updated based on what we are able to cover during each lecture.


    Your score will be the weighted average of the following assesments.
    • Problem Sets (40%) There will be weekly problem sets, approximately 8 of them. A random subset of the assigned problems will be graded for credit. The lowest score will be dropped at the end of the quarter. Your submission must be typeset using LaTeX. Submit your problem sets to No problem set will be assigned the week of the midterm. § Problem Sets
    • Sections (10%) You must enroll in and attend on section per week. There will be low-stakes quizzes during sections. Submit your quizzes to The lowest two scores will be dropped. § Sections
    • Midterm (25%)This take-home exam will be released on Friday, February 12th and will be due on Friday, February 19th. Your submission must be typset using LaTeX. Submit your exam to The content of the exam will be roughly chapters 1-4 of the textbook. Specifically, the exam will be based on material covered in lecture up to and including Thursday, February 11th. § Exams
    • Final (25%) This cumulative take-home exam will be released on Friday, March 12th and due on Friday, March 19th. Your submission must be typeset using LaTeX. Submit your exam to The exam will be based primarily on content covered in lecture between Thursday, February 11th and Thursday, March 11th. § Exams
    $\LaTeX$: You are required to learn basic LaTeX for this course. Specifically, you must use LaTeX to type up your solutions to all problem sets, the midterm, and the final exam. § Quick $\LaTeX$ Guide
    Extra Credit: You can earn extra credit, a maximum of 4 points added to your score, by contributing to the discussion on Zulip. This means asking or answering questions, or otherwise discussing mathematics with your classmates throughout the quarter. § Zulip