Let's Bagel!
TODO List App


Styling the checkbox was really difficult, so I opted for a plain display. I chose a simple background to match the overall them and design of my website. I gave the div elements borders with varying thicknesses in an attempt to replicate the look of notepaper.


It took me a long time to make the JavaScript functional for the extra credit version. I had to look deeply into Wes's code to understand how the methods in the todoList object worked, especially updateList(). I debugged for a couple hours to resolve all of the errors, such as forgetting to include the jQuery in my html header, using the wrong indexes, fixing the code up for the methods that didn't do what they were supposed to, etc.

Show me CSS!
New Task:
Show me javascript!


Main Page
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7