Job Openings

September 2023 - Project Scientist, Specialist, or Post-doc for COEQWAL Project

We are accepting applications for a hydrologist position to be filled at the Project Scientist (PhD, or MS with research experience) or Specialist level (MS, or BS with research experience) to be part of the multi-campus, collaborative COEQWAL project. The person(s) filling these positions will work with me and a team of collaborators on hydrologic and water resources planning (using the CalSim models) modeling to explore operational alternatives, sensitivies, and tradeoffs for the Central Valley and broader California water system. See the flyers (linked below) for more information about the project.

The position is funded for two years and can be considered for remote work. This position will be under my supervision, but will be part of a multi-campus and multi-disciplinary collaboration. Depending on the position and candidate’s interest, opportunities for independent or collaborative research may be explored. Of particular interest for this project are advancing ways to understand the sensitivities and uncertanties of different outcomes across sectors (e.g. when and how are ecological/water delivery/water quality outcomes most sensitive to operational changes?).

Applications will be made through a recruiting pool set up by the UCSC Fisheries Collaborative Program (links below). The pool was originally set up for more fisheries-oriented positions, but don’t let the language on the postings deter you from applying if you are interested and have a background in hydrology. In fact, strong preference will be given to applicants with a combination of experience and education in hydrology, hydrologic modeling, water resources management, or closely-related disciplines. Salary will be based on UCSC pay scales and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Apply by September 29, 2023 for full consideration.

If you have any questions about the position, the project, or what it’s like to work as part of the Fisheries Collaborative Program at UCSC, don’t hesitate to reach out ( or Feel free to send me an email to let me know you’re interested as well - I’ll know to look for your application!

Specialist and Project Scientist Openings

Here’s the flyer being distributed to advertise the positions - feel free to distribute to anyone you know that may be interested! - Specialist/Project Scientist flyer

Specialist application

Apply here for consideration under the Specialist series:

Project Scientist application

Apply here for consideration under the Project Scientist series:

Post-doctoral Scholar application

Here’s the flyer advertising the post-doc position. Again - feel free to distribute to anyone who may be interested!

To apply - send your CV and cover letter explaining your interest in the position to me at:

Other Opportunities

No currently open positions? The open positions are not quite what you’re looking for? If you’re interested in working with me or as part of the biophysical ecology group and want to be considered for any potential openings in the near future, I would encourage you to submit an application to either/both of the recruitment pools (Specialist:, Project Scientist: After you’ve submitted your application, send me an email so I (and my colleagues) know to look for your application and what sort of position or work you are seeking.