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  1. May 2020 - Geological Society of America (GSA) Graduate Student Research Grant
    $2,500 Awarded 
  2. April 2019 - Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Norall Scholarship
    $7,500 awarded
  3. June 2017 - UC Irvine Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) fellowship, Undergraduate Research/Departmental Service Award, and Honors in Earth System Science 
  4. March 2017 -  National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
    Full-funding for 3 years in a PhD program
  5. February 2017 -  UC Santa Cruz Eugene Cota-Robles Diversity Fellowship 
    Full-funding for 3 years in a UCSC PhD program

Select Conferences

  1. December 2019 - American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA
    Influence of a carbon amendment on nutrient and metal concentrations at a managed aquifer recharge site (abstract; poster)
    Serrano A., Richardson C.M., Fisher A.T., Marin M., Faraola S.
  2. February 2019 - Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting (ASM) San Juan, Puerto Rico 
    Assessing the effect of a carbon amendment on trace metal leaching from sediment cores (poster)
    Serrano, A., Richardson C.M., Fisher A.T.
  3. December 2018 - American Geophysical Union Conference, Washington, DC
    Evaluating the impact of a carbon amendment in managed aquifer recharge site sediments on redox sensitive elements (poster)
    Serrano, A.; Fisher, A.T; Richardson, C.M.; Dailey, H; Redford, K; Saltikov, C
  4. February 2017 - Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting (ASM) Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 
    Evaluating the effects of phytoplankton size and community structure on mercury bioaccumulation in a Southern California coastal lagoon system (poster)
    Serrano, A.; Ganguli, P.M.; Lamborg, C.H.; Gibson, D.; Nussbaum, B.; Mackey, K.R.M. 


  1. July 20, 2020 - Launched Earth Science Mentor Match alongside Christina Richardson:
    A new mentorship program aimed to address existing gaps in low-barrier mentorship access for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students with graduate school and fellowship applications in the Earth Sciences (including Ocean, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences)
  2. May 29, 2020 - High school career fair, Elizabeth Learning Center, Cudahy CA
    My highschool has invited me to present my current job as a PhD student as well as my personal experience in college, how to enter the research field, the logistics of being a graduate student, the day to day life as a graduate student, and career opportunities in STEM. I am looking forward to serving as a mentor in this historically underrepresented school.
  3. February 6, 2020 & February 7, 2019 - Elementary School Science Fair, Westlake Elementary School, Santa Cruz, CA
    I volunteered to be a judge for an elementary science fair where I spoke to 11 of the 70 students presenting their science projects. In this event I spoke to the students about their experiments, what they learned and their aspirations for future.
  4. November 2018 & November 2017 - Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Hartnell College, CA
    I volunteered to help lead a workshop for a nonprofit organization, Expanding Your Horizons, which hosted a conference for elementary and middle school girls that are interested in STEM fields. In the workshop I did a few tabletop experiments exploring the concept of ocean acidification and its effects on coral reefs. Most of the young women were minorities and were eager to speak to me about my experiences and I answered general questions they had about being a scientist and the process of applying and going to college.


1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
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