Intro to Bayesian inference (part 1)

Sun 15 January 2012 by Adrian Brasoveanu

Plan for the Jan. 17 class:

  1. intro to Bayesian inference (part 1); slides: intro-bayes-1.pdf
  2. examples of inference for binomial proportions with conjugate (Beta) priors — based on Kruschke (2011), chapter 5: examples-Bern-Beta.r; to run the examples, you will need the following 2 files: BernBeta.R and HDIofICDF.R
  3. examples of inference for binomial proportions with grid-discretized priors — based on Kruschke (2011), chapter 6: examples-Bern-Grid.r; to run the examples, you will need the following 2 files: BernGrid.R and HDIofGrid.R