Videoed Lectures
and some slide talks of Professor Richard Montgomery

Notes: for `Infinitely Coplanarities'' talk given at MSRI 11/26/2018
outline of above talk

The Shape Sphere: A New Vista on the Three-body problem a talk given 4/12/2016 at UNAM, Ciudad Mexico, for the `17th conferencia David Alcaraz',
slides of same pdf made from Keynote; animations do not function

The Shape Sphere: A New Vista on the Three-body problem a talk given 4/12/2016 at UNAM, Ciudad Mexico, for the `17th conferencia David Alcaraz',
slides of same pdf made from Keynote; animations do not function

Linear billiard systems, the positive-energy N-body problem and Lagrangian relations recorded in Oaxaca, at the Tabachnikov 60th fest, in June 13, 2016

N body global regularization (at SIAM Dynamics Daze in Park City, UT , spring 2013 )

slides for talk ( SIAM Dynamics Daze in Park City, UT , spring 2013 )

Global reg. for the N-body problem (BANFF; Jan. 2013)

The Kepler Cone, (CIMAT; probably .. 2018)
Some Open Questions in the N-body Problem , (Zoom talk, Sydney [Ausralia] Dynamics Group, March 11, 2021)