CSE 16
Applied Discrete Mathematics
Lab Assignments

General Instructions

Lab assignments will consist of computational problems related to topics discussed in class such as logical expressions, enumerative combinatorics, set theory and probability. The goal of each project will be to compute some specific set of discrete mathematical objects, and to present that set in some specific printed format. You may use any programming language you are familiar with. If you have no programming experience, you may resort to producing the necessary objects via hand calculation. Each project requires that you submit a text file containing your program (or hand calculated) output.

You will submit your answer files through Gradescope.  To submit a Lab, go to Assignments, find the link for a particular assignment and upload your file. All submissions must be plain text files, not pdf files, and not image files. If you have any technical problems with lab submission, or if you wish to appeal a lab grade, contact Teaching Assistant Anuj Kamat (ankamat@ucsc.edu).

Lab Assignments

lab1: Due Friday April 19, 10:00pm
lab2: Due Wednesday May 8, 10:00pm

If you find any errors, please report them to:   ptantalo@soe.ucsc.edu