Kip Téllez, Professor

University of California, Santa Cruz

Selected Publications and Presentations
Find reprints here.

Recent Books:  Mathematics Instruction in Dual Language Classrooms and   The Teaching Instinct: Explorations Into What Makes Us Human.

Course Syllabi and Random Podcasts
For current and past courses, podcasts  

Current PhD Students: Rachael Dektor   

Recent PhD Graduates: Jolene Gregory Castillo, Yuzhu Xia, Liana Balloffet, Adria Patthoff  

Go Slugs! ed


I am a Professor in the Education Department at UC Santa Cruz and a fellow of Stevenson and Crown colleges, as well as participating faculty in Latin American and Latino Studies. My Ph.D. (1991) is from the Claremont Graduate University.

My research interests include teacher education, second language instruction, equity pedagogy, and contemporary research methods. I also co-direct, with Professor Mosqueda, the Center for Research on Equity and Collaborative Evaluation (CRECE).  CRECE can assist you with a wide range of evaluation, assessment, or policy projects.        

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a question related to UCSC's programs in education. Office hours and other contact information are listed here. My vita is here. My ORCID QRCode.



Links I Like

The Pragmatism Cybrary

computer Science Integration for New Opportunities

California Council on Teacher Education

Teacher Education Quarterly

National Association of Bilingual Education

Mathematics and Language Literacy Integration in Dual Language Settings