MATH 22: Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables (Summer 2021)

Course Info

Instructor Info

  •   Jadyn V. Breland (he/him/his)
  •   Office hours: 1:00PM-2:00PM (T/Th)

Reading Assignments (10% of Final Grade)

  • Assignment Description: Reading assignments will be assigned at the end of each class meeting and will be due before the next class meeting at 12:55PM. Generally, reading assignments will consist of the following tasks:
    • read assigned sections of the textbook;
    • complete assigned preview activities (for each assigned section); and
    • summarize three things you learned or still have questions about (for each assigned section).
    I may add additional tasks as I see fit. Your work will be submitted via gradescope.
  • Purpose: Reading assignments are a fundamental aspect of the course. Each reading assignment will challenge you to acquire deep, personal understanding of multivariable calculus through reading the text, completing preview activities, and answering targeted questions, on your own. You should think of the reading assignments as preparatory work for each synchronous meeting. It is essential that you complete the assigned readings by the dute date so that you can actively participate in synchronous class activities and discussions. Additionally, for each reading assignment we will typically take a few minute to debrief with a peer. You can use this time to share what you learned, or ask any lingering questions.
  • Basis for Evaluation: Reading assignments are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. For each reading assignment, you will either receive 1 point (a “Pass”) or 0 points (a “No Pass”). You will receive 1 point if you:
    • submit your assignment on time;
    • attempt all assigned activities; and
    • make a good faith effort to complete each activity correctly.
    Otherwise, you will receive 0 points. Your lowest score will be dropped.

Assignment Details & Due Dates

    Shortly after each synchronous meeting, I will update the following table with the details of the latest reading assignment.
Reading Assignment Reading & Activities
to Complete
Date Assigned Date Due (by 12:55 PM)
1 Reading 1.pdf 6/21 6/23
2 Reading 2.pdf 6/23 6/25
3 Reading 3.pdf 6/25 6/30
4 Reading 4.pdf 6/30 7/2
5 Reading 5.pdf 7/2 7/7
6 Reading 6.pdf 7/7 7/9
7 Reading 7.pdf 7/9 7/12
8 Reading 8.pdf 7/12 7/14
9 Reading 9.pdf 7/14 7/16
10 Reading 10.pdf 7/16 7/19
11 Reading 11.pdf 7/19 7/21