photo of a person petting a dog overlooking the bay

Hello! I am a third-year PhD student in the Department of Linguistics at UC Santa Cruz, advised by Matt Wagers and Mia Gong.

My research interests mainly lie in psycholinguistics, memory & cognition, theoretical & experimental syntax, and computational modeling. I am particularly interested in illusions of grammaticality, more specifically, erroneous negative polarity item licensing and the phenomena of agreement attraction: my MA thesis focused on the effects of syntactic connectivity and case in agreement computation in Turkish. Currently, I am working on constructing a syntactic analysis of the distribution of relative clause strategies in Turkish.

Before coming to UC Santa Cruz, I wrote my BA thesis on attachment ambiguity resolution in Turkish relative clauses under the supervision of Pavel Logacev at Boğaziçi University. I also worked on a cognitive model of how uninformed responses can undermine effect sizes in behavioral psycholinguistic studies with Duygu Demiray and Pavel Logacev.

I'm currently a co-coordinator of s/lab, the department's Syntax, Semantics, and Language Processing Lab.

Contact: elulusoy [at] ucsc [dot] edu

Links: GitHub | LinkedIn | Departmental webpage