Winter 2014: Meeting 2

Fri 24 January 2014 by Nate Arnett, Karl DeVries, Adrian Brasoveanu

The second meeting this quarter took place on Fri Jan. 24. We looked at some NLTK parsing demos, namely recursive descent (top-down, depth-first), bottom-up and left-corner parsers.

Nate discussed left-corner parsing in detail and the empirical evidence that favors left-corner parsers as models of the human parser / processor over purely top-down or purely bottom-up parsers.

The handouts we used will be posted here very soon and constantly updated throughout the quarter.

We will continue next time (i.e., Fri Jan. 31, same time and place) with a discussion of garden path phenomena and possibly a basic introduction to cognitive architectures (SOAR and ACT-R) — basically chapters 4 and 5 of the Hale draft.