Dating slugsGoals of the UCSC Dating Study Follow-up

The main purpose of the original study was to better understand what dating and dating relationships are like for people who have just graduated from high school and to see how these relationships might change during the first year of college.

Now we are interested in seeing what further changes have occurred a few years later. This follow-up will not include the computer task that you did in the first and second waves of the study. You will only complete an online questionnaire, asking similar sorts of questions that you answered originally.

Some of the topics we're interested in include:

      • How (or if) you talk about dating and sex with your parents

      • How (or if) you talk about dating and sex with your friends

      • What kinds of televisions shows and movies you watch, and what other media you use

      • What has happened in your life in the last five years (especially concerning relationships)

      • How things are going in your life now

You have the option to skip any question you don't want to answer.