Rhizosphere Image Gallery

Arctostaphylos hookeri

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The scene aboveground

Site: UCSC Arboretum

A. hookeri is a low spreading shrub commonly forming vegetative mounds up to 2m in height. Found on dry south facing woodland slopes and sandy dunes, the Monterey manzanita is highly drought-adapted with schlerophous leaves and short spines on the leaf margin. Sub-species "francisciana" is endemic to serpentine outcrops.

The scene belowground

Deep mature root.

Mysterious eggs.

A frog! This individual was sitting on one of our rhizotron tubes. When we approached to gather some images, she tried to withdraw further into the ground, but his body remained pressed up against the rhizotron tube. So, we photographed her from below.

Another image of the frog.

This root is surrounded by a stained area that probably is a clue to microbial activity.

This is either a very small worm or a very large nematode!

same as above

same as above

Surface roots.

Thin root

Hot spot of microbial colonization on mature root.