Oct 13 2023 | "Minatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Software, Their Uses and Abuses," Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), invited by Henry Lieberman |
Jul 19 2023 | "Media theory, the history of computation, and the operations of work," Research group on digitalization and robotization of society (DIGIKULT), Humanities Division, Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, invited by Roger Søraa and Margrethe Aune |
| https://twitter.com/DIGIKULT_NTNU/status/1682372176039620609 |
Jul 5 2023 | "Playing Games With Machines, for the Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel : Séminaire préparatoire (Jeux, gestes et savoirs), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, France, invited by Vincent Puig |
| https://www.iri.centrepompidou.fr/evenement/entretiens-du-nouveau-monde-industriel-2/ |
Jun 27 2023 | "Minatures, Demos and Artworks," for the "Useful Fictions" arts-design-sciences summer school, La Chaire arts & sciences de l'École polytechnique, de l'École des Arts Décoratifs-PSL, École polytechnique, Paris, France, invited by Samuel Bianchini and Julie Sauret |
| https://chaire-arts-sciences.org/2020/09/11/arts-design-science-summer-workshops/?lang=en |
Jun 14 2022 | Respondent, "Spring workshop III: What is a computer program? Final conference," PROGRAMme: ANR project: What is a (computer) program? Historical and philosophical perspectives, PI: Liesbeth De Mol, CNRS/UMR 8163 Savoirs, Textes, Langage, Université de Lille, France |
| https://programme.hypotheses.org/spring-workshop-iii-what-is-a-computer-program-final-conference |
Apr 25 2022 | ""Miniatures, demos and artworks: Three kind of Software, their Uses and Abuses," presented at the Media Arts & Technology Seminar Series, College of Engineering and the College of Letters and Science, UC Santa Barbara, invited by Enrica Lovaglio Costello |
| https://vimeo.com/704397894 |
Feb 25 2022 | "Autocompletion, Grammar and the Computational Episteme," Distance and Proximity Seminar #33, invited by Weihong Bao (UC Berkeley), Peter Bloom (UC Santa Barbara), and Erkki Huhtamo (UCLA) |
Nov 15 2021 | "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Software, Their Uses and Abuses," Computational Media Department Seminar Series, UCSC, invited by Kyle Gonzalez |
Oct 12 2021 | "The Software Arts: Language," presented to G.A.I.A. (Arts and Artificial Intelligence Group), University of São Paulo, Brazil, invited by Bruno Moreschi and Gabriel Lemos |
Sep 1 2021 | "The Software Arts," Leonardo Art and Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 1 September 2021, invited by Piero Scaruffi |
| https://www.scaruffi.com/leonardo/sep2021.html |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwr_5nM6ECc |
May 27 2021 | "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Software, Their Uses and Abuses," "The Future of Software Series," IBM Research Global Technology Outlook Seminar, invited by Grady Booch, Ulisses Mello and Hui Wu |
May 13 2021 | "AI: Die andere Intelligenz: Artificial Institutions and Narrative Intelligence," Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 13 May 2021, invited by Duarte Penaranda German Andres |
Apr 20 2021 | Panelist, "Weaponized Media: politics of affect & propaganda," University of Toronto, 20 April 2021, invited by Megan Boler |
Oct 6 2020 | "The Software Arts," presented at The Internet Studies Center Lecture Series, Department of Copmputer Sciences, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 6 October 2020, invited by Dustin O'Hara |
| https://cs.wwu.edu/isc/lectureseries_softwarearts |
| http://blog.dustinohara.com/2020/10/08/the-software-arts-warren-sack/ |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDL1xpvJuj8 |
Jun 3 2020 | “A History of the Demo and a Future for the Essay,” presented at the Data Then and Now Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 3 June 2020, invited by Anissa Tanweer and David Ribes |
| https://escience.washington.edu/events/data-then-and-now-seminar-warren-sack-2/ |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUbGZ6ExuKQ |
Apr 13 2020 | “The Arts at the Center of Software’s Evolution” Prof and a Pint Lecture Series [now Slugs and Steins: Lectures from UC Santa Cruz], UCSC Alumni Council, San Jose, CA, 13 April 2020, invited by David B. Hansen |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-47iiTNGyA&feature=youtu.be |
| https://www.meetup.com/UCSC-Prof-and-a-Pint-Lecture-Series/events/267927440/ |
| https://www.facebook.com/events/2811060649007348/ |
Dec 5 2019 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Media Studies Department, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, 5 December 2019, invited by Carlin Wing and Anne Harley |
| https://twitter.com/IMS_Claremont/status/1202666577679642624 |
Nov 21 2019 | “A History of the Demo and a Future for the Essay,” presented at the Film & Media Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, 21 November 2019, invited by Jacob Gaboury and Jeffrey Skoller |
| https://filmmedia.berkeley.edu/events/the-film-and-media-department-presents-warren-sack/ |
| https://filmmedia.berkeley.edu/the-berkeley-film-media-seminar-presents-warren-sack-a-history-of-the-demo-and-a-future-for-the-essay/ |
Sep 13 2019 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Department of Art and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 13 September 2019, invited by Margrethe Aune, Jan-Noël Thon, and Nina Lager Vestberg |
Sep 11 2019 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 11 September 2019, invited by Winnie Soon |
| http://cc.au.dk/en/news-and-events/events/event/artikel/the-software-arts/ |
Sep 10 2019 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Center for Computer Games Research, Digital Design Department, Information Technology University Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 September 2019, invited by Espen Aarseth |
| https://www.facebook.com/events/674745743039453/ |
| https://game.itu.dk/event/warren-sack-talk-the-software-arts/ |
Sep 9 2019 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 9 September 2019, invited by Scott Rettberg |
| https://www.uib.no/fag/digitalkultur/128706/jussi-parikka-visual-cultures-machine-learning-and-warren-sack-software |
May 1 2019 | “Computation and Conversation,” presented at the Transformations of the Human Colloquium, Berggruen Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 1 May 2019, invited by Nils Gilman and Tobias Rees |
Mar 27 2019 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 27 March 2019, invited by Shin Mizukoshi |
| http://infra.mediabiotope.com/news/mar-27-warren-sacks-talk-on-the-software-arts/ |
Oct 18 2018 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Center for Experimental Humanities, New York University, 18 October 2018, invited by Elaine Gan |
| https://scienceandsociety.columbia.edu/events/warren-sack-software-arts |
Mar 5 2018 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the Visual and Media Cultures Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz, 5 March 2018 |
| http://havc.ucsc.edu/news_events/visual-media-cultures-colloquium-warren-sack |
Mar 1 2018 | “The Software Arts,” presented at the History and Theory of New Media Colloquium, UC Berkeley, 1 March 2018, invited by David Bates |
| http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/events/22/history-theory/1044/the-software-arts |
| http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/news-research/2441/htnm-warren-sack-video-now-online |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cbMfZRwu5E |
Dec 19 2017 | “Artificial Stupidity,” presented at Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2017: Bêtise et intelligence artificielles, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 19-20 December 2017, invited by Bernard Stiegler |
| https://iri-ressources.org/collections/collection-2/season-47/video-718.html#t=44 |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TkUXT7tApM |
Dec 7 2017 | “Artificial Stupidity,” presented at the Digital Studies Seminar, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 7 December 2017, invited by Bernard Stiegler and Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab) |
| https://www.ensadlab.fr/fr/francais-conference-intelligence-et-betise-artificielle-au-centre-pompidou/ |
Oct 19 2017 | with David Bates (UC Berkeley), Yuk Hui (Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana, Germany), and Luciana Parisi (Goldsmiths College, London, UK) “Roundtable Discussion: Between the Digital and the Political: New Ecologies of Mind,” presented at the Visual and Media Cultures Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz, 19 October 2017 |
| http://havc.ucsc.edu/news_events/visual-media-cultures-colloquium-round-table-discussion |
Oct 17 2017 | with David Bates (UC Berkeley), Yuk Hui (Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana, Germany), and Luciana Parisi (Goldsmiths College, London, UK) “Roundtable Discussion: Between the Digital and the Political: New Ecologies of Mind,” presented at the History and Theory of New Media Colloquium, UC Berkeley, 17 October 2017, invited by David Bates |
| http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/events/22/history-theory/1040/between-the-digital-and-the-political-new-ecologies-of-mind |
May 15 2017 | “Machines,” Conjuncture / Crisis / Critique: A Symposium on Cultural Studies, Center for Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz, 15 May 2017 |
Nov 22 2016 | “Decoding Digital Democracy,” Séminaire interne de l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris, November 22, 2016, invited by Simon Luck |
Nov 18 2016 | Discussant, Interfaces de programmation abstraites: Journée d'étude EnsadLab: Reflective Interaction, intervenants: Sylvie Tissot (Esad Valence); Jonathan Tanant (EnsadLab Paris); Filipe Pais (EnsadLab); Oussama Mubarak (EnsadLab); Gilles Rouffineau (Esad); Annick Lantenois (Esad); Fabiola Hanna (UCSC); Dominique Cunin (EnsadLab et Esad); 18 novembre 2016, coordonné par Dominique Cunin |
Dec 2 2015 | “Ada Lovelace: Turning Numbers into Language,” A Roundtable Discussion Celebrating Ada Lovelace (with Anne Baillot, Humboldt University, Berlin; Nachum Dershowitz, Tel Aviv University; Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, U. de Paris VI, Pierre et Marie Curie; and Helene Kirschner INRIA), l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris, December 2, 2015, invited by Gretty Mirdal |
| http://www.paris-iea.fr/fr/liste-des-videos/celebrating-ada-byron-lovelace-computing-and-humanities-6157 |
Oct 15 2015 | “Work and Machine Languages,” L’Organogenesis : Pour un nouveau paradigme de recherché en art et design, L'EnsadLab, laboratoire de l’École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, le LabSIC, Laboratoire des sciences de l’information et de la communication de l’université Paris 13 et l’IRI, Institut de recherche et d’innovation du Centre Pompidou, PSL, Paris Sciences et Lettres, October 15-16, 2015, invited by Igor Galligo (EnsadLab/IRI), Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab), Everardo Reyes Garcia (Paris 8), and Bernard Stiegler (IRI) |
| http://ldt.iri.centrepompidou.fr/ldtplatform/ldt/front/player/0c3e3726-d8ba-11e6-9f47-00145ea4a2be/5b11ad2e-d8ba-11e6-9f47-00145ea4a2be (starting at the 50 minute mark) |
Oct 13 2015 | “The Software Arts,” Séminaire interne de l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris, October 13, 2015, invited by Simon Luck |
Mar 31 2015 | Participant, Google Philosophy of the Web Seminar, Googleplex, Mountain View, CA, 31 March 2015, invited by Peter Norvig (Google), Harry Halpin (MIT), David Bates (Berkeley) |
Dec 5 2014 | “Code and Critical Theory” presented at Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2014: La «Vérité» du Numerique: Recherche et enseignement supérieur à l’epoque des technologies numériques, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 5-6 December 2014, invited by Bernard Stiegler |
| https://iri-ressources.org/collections/collection-2/season-2/video-111.html#t=5.649 |
Dec 2 2014 | “Language Limits: Signs beyond Semiotics,” in dialogue with Frédéric Kaplan (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), presented at the Digital Studies Seminar, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 2 December 2014, invited by Bernard Stiegler |
| https://digital-studies.org/wp/frederic-kaplan-and-warren-sack-02122014/ |
Nov 15 2014 | “Mutual Recursion: What Happens When Politics Become Code?,” keynote address presented at Generating Knowledge and Building Democratic Power with Community-Based Research and Digital Media, UC Center for Collaborative Research for an Equitable California, UC Santa Cruz, 15 November 2014, invited by Ron Glass |
Mar 6 2014 | Introducer and discussant for the keynote presentationinvited by Rebecca MacKinnon for Pan-Optics: Emerging Perspectives on Visual Privacy & Surveillance, CITRIS, UC Berkeley, 6 March 2014, invited by Kris Fallon |
Feb 19 2014 | “A Machine to Tell Stories: From Propp to Software Studies,” Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz, 19 February 2014, invited by Vanita Seth |
Jan 31 2014 | Respondent (with Francesco Panese, Joe Dumit, and Jim Griesemer) for a presentationinvited by Hélène Mialet on her book “Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking and the Anthropology of the Knowing Subject,” Center for Science and Innovation Studies and the Humanities Institute Research Cluster, “What does health mean today?” UC Davis, 31 January 2014, invited by Cristiana Giordano |
| http://innovation.ucdavis.edu/special-book-event-helene-mialet-hawking-incorporated |
Jan 28 2014 | “Using Software (Art) to See the World,” Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), UC Santa Cruz, 28 January 2014, invited by John Weber |
Oct 23 2013 | Respondent (with David Bates) to presentationsinvited by N. Katherine Hayles and Bernard Stiegler, Creating Minds: Reading and Writing in the Digital Age, Berkeley Center for New Media, UC Berkeley, 23 October 2013, invited by David Bates |
| https://sites.google.com/site/creatingminds2013/ |
Sep 13 2013 | “Mutual Recursion: What happens When Politics Becomes Code?,” Information Access Seminar, UC Berkeley, School of Information, September 13, 2013, Professors Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch |
Sep 12 2013 | Panel moderator for “Navigating the Sea of Data Without Getting Lost” (speakers: Laurenellen McCann (Sunlight Foundation), Daniel Newman (MapLight), Matthew Scharpnick (Elefint Designs), Eric Cadora (Justice Mapping Center)) at Can “Open Data” Improve Democratic Governance?, UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies & CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative, UC Berkeley, 12 September 2013, invited by Camille Crittenden |
| https://www.youtube.com/watchv=PW1G5AopdUk&list=PLYTiwx6hV33s-kLYugeHT6neM9f_JJUyn&index=13 |
Jul 3 2013 | Keynote address: “Data Visualization as Recursive Public Discourse,” Digital Methods Summer School 2013: On the challenges of studying social media data, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 July 2013, invited by Richard Rogers |
Jun 10 2013 | “Image, Number, Language,” Séminaire INTERACT, Département Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, 10 June 2013, invited by Christian Licoppe and Françoise Détienne |
Jun 4 2013 | Panelist with other contributors to a special issue of Art press 2 (Franck Cormerais, Sylvie Coellier, Boris Groys, Jacinto Lageira, Pau Walder, Richard Begin, Lev Manovitch, Patrice Maniglier, Dominique Moulon, Dominique Roland, Annick Bureaud, Gregory Chatonsky, Jean-Louis Déotte, Jean-Paul Fourmentreaux), Art in the Digital Age / L’art dans le tout numerique, Centre des Arts d'Enghien-les-Bains, France, 4 June 2013, invited by Norbert Hillaire and Catherine Millet |
Apr 27 2013 | presenter, “Scripts: Institutions, Software or Not?,” Atelier Enquête sur les modes d’existence (EME): Organisation, Sciences Po, Paris, 27 April 2013, invited by Bruno Latour, François Cooren and Christophe Leclercque |
Mar 22 2013 | Panel moderator for “Thinking Infrastructure,” (speakers: Lisa Parks and Ganaele Langlois) at Habits of Living: Networked Affects, Glocal Effects, Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, 21 – 23 March 2013, invited by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun |
| http://www.brown.edu/Conference/Habits/ |
Mar 12 2013 | “Image, Number, Language,” Centre for Innovation and Social Process and the Digital Culture Unit, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 12 March 2013, invited by Matthew Fuller and Noortje Marres |
| http://www.csisponline.net/2013/03/20/a-writing-exercise-for-the-public-warren-sack-on-digital-convergence/ |
Feb 16 2013 | “Formalism and the Machine: Vladimir Propp’s folktale morphology rewritten as a computer program,” presented at Les Formalismes Littéraires et Leurs Enjeux Philosophiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, 16 February 2013, invited by Marie Gil and Patrice Maniglier |
| http://dep-philo.u-paris10.fr/medias/fichier/journee-esthetique_1359539814227-pdf |
Feb 8 2013 | “Mutual Recursion: What happens When Politics Becomes Code?,” Sciences Po (Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris), 8 February 2013, invited by Bruno Latour |
Jan 16 2013 | “Peer to PCAST: What does open video have to do with open government?” presented at the SIGCHI Paris Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, 16 January 2013, invited by Françoise Détienne |
| http://paris.sigchi.acm.org:88/homepage/home.php?n=Main.WarrenSackSeminar |
Dec 17 2012 | “Image, Number, Language,” presented at Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2012: Digital Studies: Organology and Industrialization of Knowledge, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 17-18 December 2012, invited by Bernard Stiegler |
| https://iri-ressources.org/collections/collection-2/season-23/video-570.html |
Jun 1 2012 | Panelist with Jennifer Gonzàlez, Carlos Motta, Soraya Murray, and Peggy Weil for “Digital Art & Democracy: People, Places, Participation,” Arts Division, UC Santa Cruz, 1 June 2012, invited by Jennifer Gonzàlez |
May 10 2012 | “Software_Art && Software_Aesthetics,” presented at the Philosophy Department Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz, 10 May 2012, invited by Daniel Guevara |
| http://philosophy.ucsc.edu/news-events/colloquia/warren%20sack%20.html |
May 8 2012 | Panel discussant for “Creating and Sustaining Trust,” (speakers: Malia Fullerton and Michael Kellen) at “Are You My Data?” a conference hostedinvited by the Science & Justice Research Center, the UCSC Office of Research, and the UCSC Cancer Genomic Hub, UC Santa Cruz, 8 May 2012, invited by Jenny Reardon http://research.pbsci.ucsc.edu/scienceandjustice/blog/home/are-you-my-data/ |
Apr 26 2012 | Panelist with Kevin Epps, Lissa Soep, D. Scot Miller, and Cecil Brown for “Emperor Ain't Got On No Clothes?,” for the Inclusion: Swinging and Flowing Conference, UC CITRIS and the Department of African American Studies, UC Berkeley, 26 April 2012, invited by Cecil Brown |
| https://sites.google.com/site/swingingandflowing/home |
Apr 13 2012 | “Agonism, Art, and Politics” presented at “Conversation: Structures for Discord,” a roundtable with Steve Dietz, Carl DiSalvo, Marisa Jahn, Warren Sack, Mark Shepard as a part of Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, April 13, 2012, invited by Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo and Susy Bielak (http://www.walkerart.org/channel) |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yr7F4tJTaI |
Apr 13 2012 | “Data & Democracy” presented at “Pecha Kucha: From the Table to the Streets,” as a part of Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, April 13, 2012, invited by Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo and Susy Bielak (http://www.walkerart.org/channel) |
Apr 13 2012 | “Embodying Agonism” presented as an “Agonism Workshop,” as a part of Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, April 13, 2012, invited by Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo and Susy Bielak (http://www.walkerart.org/channel) |
Apr 10 2012 | “Software_Art && Software_Aesthetics,” presented at the Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, April 10, 2012, invited by Ellen Frances Rooney |
| http://brown.edu/academics/modern-culture-and-media/sites/brown.edu.academics.modern-culture-and-media/files/uploads/sack_poster_0.pdf |
Dec 8 2011 | “Citizen-centered Design,” presented at the Digital We Workshop, Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), University of California, Berkeley, December 8, 2011, invited by Greg Niemeyer and James Holston |
Nov 11 2011 | “Peer to PCAST: What does open video have to do with open government?,” presented at the Human-Computer Interaction Seminar, Stanford University, November 11, 2011, invited by Terry Winograd and Scott Klemmer |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXXz_fwsuTw |
Oct 25 2011 | “On the materialities of understanding: Lévi-Strauss, Bricolage, and Digital Tinkering,” presented at the Roundtable on Comparative Tinkering (with Karen Barad, Alan Christy, Lawrence Cohen, Andrew Matthews, Danilyn Rutherford, Warren Sack), Anthropology Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, October 25, 2011, organizedinvited by Peter Lutz and Heather Swanson |
Oct 21 2011 | “Digital Methods and Software Studies after Narrative Intelligence,” presented at the Digital Humanities Research Seminar, Digital and Social Media Research Theme, University of Sussex, UK, October, 21, 2011, invited by Caroline Bassett and Kate O'Riordan |
| http://www.sussex.ac.uk/research/digital/newsandevents/ongoingactivities/digitalmethodsandsoftwarestudies |
Sep 23 2011 | Discussant for the keynote presentation by Adrian MacKenzie for Tweak! Modding disciplines through inventive tools, Science & Technology Studies, UC Davis, September 23, 2011, invited by Joseph Dumit and Nina Wakeford |
May 13 2011 | “Mutual Recursion: What happens When Politics Becomes Code?,” presented at the Science & Technology Studies “Food for Thought” Event, Center for Science and Innovation Studies, UC Davis, May 13, 2011, invited by Joseph Dumit |
Apr 15 2011 | Moderator for the panel “Games and the Future of Culture,” (speakers: Ian Bogost, Robin Hunicke, Noah Wardrip-Fruin), Inventing the Future of Games, University of California, Santa Cruz at the India Community Center, Milpitas, CA, April 15, 2011, invited by Michael Mateas and Noah Wardrip-Fruin |
Oct 23 2010 | “Mutual Recursion: What happens When Politics Becomes Code?,” presented at the Symposium on Networked Politics, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, October 23, 2010, invited by Greg Elmer |
| http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/10372311 |
Jun 23 2010 | “Maps, Narratives & Conversations,” presented at the workshop on Digital Methods and Migrations, Département Economie et Sciences Sociales de Télécom ParisTech (ENST Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications) & Programme TIC Migrations, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme; co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation (award id 0416353), June 23, 2010, invited by Dana Diminescu |
May 11 2010 | “From Social Media to Software Studies,” Film and Media Studies Department, Hunter College, City University of New York, May 11, 2010, invited by Jay Rosen |
May 5 2010 | “The Software Arts: Computer Science is a Liberal Art,” Symposium on Aesthetic Computing and Neuroaesthetics, Arts Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, May 5, 2010, invited by Whitney Davis & Michael Kelly |
Mar 11 2010 | “What is Politics 2.0?,” New Media Roundtable, Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley, March 11, 2010, invited by Ken Goldberg |
Nov 19 2009 | “Computers as Tool, Object of Study, Idea, and Institution,” presented on the panel “Research/Curriculum Disconnect?” for “Computational Media: Creating a 21st Century Curriculum for Games and Playable Media,” a workshop for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate Computing Education (CPATH), supported by an NSF CPATH Grant “Revitalizing Computer Science Education Through the Science of Digital Media” (Jennifer Burg and Conrad Gleber, PIs), November 19-20, 2009, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, invited by Michael Mateas |
Nov 9 2009 | “Software Studies, Software Art, Software Design,” Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), sponsored by: ZKM|Center for Art and Media and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, November 9, 2009, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, invited by Piero Scaruffi |
Oct 23 2009 | Moderator for the panel “Authorship, Technologies and Frames” (speakers: Joline Blais, E.G. Crichton, David Evan Harris, Jon Ippolito, Marsha Kinder; respondent: Noah Wardrip-Fruin), The Art of Collaboration: A Symposium, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, October 23, 2009, invited by B. Ruby Rich, Margaret Morse, and Soraya Murray |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDrq3TL1RVA |
Oct 16 2009 | “Interactive Social Mapping,” Nowcasting: Design Theory & the Digital Humanities: A Transdisciplinary Seminar, Design | Media Arts Department, University of California, Los Angeles, October 16, 2009, invited by Peter Lunenfeld |
Jul 8 2009 | “Technologies of Community, Conversation by Design: How should networked public spaces be designed?,” Research Seminar, Département Economie et Sciences Sociales de Télécom ParisTech (ENST Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications), Paris, France, July 8, 2009, invited by Françoise Détienne |
May 27 2009 | Panelist, “Technoscience and Social Change” (with Fred Turner, Caroline Bassett, and Kate O'Riordan), sponsored by the Science and Justice Working Group and the Center for Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, May 27, 2009, invited by Jenny Reardon |
Apr 24 2009 | “Conversation Map v.2.0,” in Violence, Technology and Public Intervention: Two UCDARnet Panels, Sponsored by UCDARnet and gallery@calit2, April 24, 2009, CALIT2/Atkinson Hall, Black Box Theater, University of California, San Diego, invited by Ricardo Dominguez |
Apr 8 2009 | “Software Studies, Software Art, Software Design,” Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), sponsored by: ZKM|Center for Art and Media, April 8, 2009, SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA, invited by Piero Scaruffi |
| http://www.leonardo.info/isast/events.html#laserapr09 |
Mar 19 2009 | “Discourse Architecture,” Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) Research Exchange Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley, March 19, 2009, invited by Ming Wu |
| http://www.citris-uc.org/events/RE-spring2009 |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQwZkyP2Qpo |
Feb 27 2009 | with Abram “Aphid” Stern and Mark Deckert, “Software Demonstration: Metavid: An interface and archive of Congressional video,” CITRIS Headquarters: Opening Celebration, UC Berkeley, February 27, 2009 |
Feb 11 2009 | “Social Software and Social Justice,” UC Santa Cruz Science and Justice Working Group, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, February 11, 2009, invited by Jenny Reardon |
Feb 7 2009 | Participant, The Changing Dynamics of Public Controversies, Journalism School, Columbia University, NY, NY, February 7, 2009, invited by Rasmus Nielsen and Todd Gitlin |
Feb 4 2009 | “Artist’s Talk,” Interactive Media Seminar, School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, February 4, 2009, invited by Scott Fisher |
Feb 3 2009 | “Software Studies,” Annenberg Research Park Colloquium Series on Multimedia Literacy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, February 3, 2009, invited by Mimi Ito |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Jm-a20NSk |
Jan 16 2009 | Discussant, “Contemporary Networking and Computing” (with Paul Rabinow) at Ars Synthetica: The Anthropology of the Contemporary, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, January 16, 2009, invited by Colin Koopman |
| http://foucaultacrossthedisciplines.googlepages.com/arssynthetica.html |
Dec 16 2008 | “La Forme des Idées,” L’Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon et l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nice (Villa Arson), France, December 16, 2008, invited by Patrice Maniglier |
Nov 19 2008 | Panelist, “Design Strategies and Conflict Resolution” (with Amy Franceschini and John Bela), Design and Technology Department at the San Francisco Art Institute, November 19, 2008, invited by Paul Klein |
Nov 12 2008 | “Software Studies,” Aesthetics and Politics Series, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, November 12, 2008, invited by Jonathan Beller |
Nov 11 2008 | “Universities, Schools, Colleges, and Laboratories for Art, Media and Technology,” Parsons The New School of Design, New York, NY, November 11, 2008 invited by Katie Salen |
Oct 8 2008 | “Software Studies,” Center for Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz, October 8, 2008, invited by Carla Freccero |
Aug 11 2008 | “Software Studies,” Digital Methods Initiative Summer Talk Series and Govcom.org Jubilee, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 August 2008, invited by Richard Rogers |
Jun 18 2008 | “Media Design as Conversation Design,” Media Design Colloquium, Art Center of Design, Pasadena, CA, 18 June 2008, invited by Anne Burdick |
May 30 2008 | “Art, Media and Technology,” Parsons The New School of Design, New York, NY, 30 May 2008, invited by Lisa Grocott |
May 21 2008 | “From Software Studies to Software Design,” Software Studies Workshop, CALIT2, UC San Diego, 21 May 2008, invited by Lev Manovich and Noah Wardrip-Fruin |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSLlXjZn2I8 |
Feb 2 2008 | “Politics 2.0,” Social Graph FOO, O’Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, 2 February 2008. |
Dec 18 2007 | “Technologies of Community, Conversation by Design: How should networked public spaces be designed?,” ESI Design, New York, NY, 18 December 2007, invited by Sawad Brooks |
Dec 10 2007 | “Technologies of Community, Conversation by Design: How should networked public spaces be designed?,” University Seminar, Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning, Columbia University, New York, NY, 10 December 2007, invited by Frank Moretti |
Oct 23 2007 | “Technologies of Community, Conversation by Design: How should networked public spaces be designed?,” Digital + Media Colloquium, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, 23 October 2007, invited by Christiane Paul and Bill Seaman. |
Oct 22 2007 | “Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” Visual Communication Lab, IBM Research, Cambridge, MA, 22 October 2007 (http://www.research.ibm.com/visual/index.html), invited by Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg. |
Oct 9 2007 | “Technologies of Community, Conversation by Design: How should networked public spaces be designed?”, Communications Colloquium, School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, NY, 9 October 2007, invited by Rasmus Nielsen. |
Jul 3 2007 | “Art and Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” Information Aesthetics Workshop of the Visualization Summit, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland, July 3, 2007, invited by Andrew Vande Moere. |
Jun 28 2007 | “From Networked Publics to Object-Oriented Democracies,” presented at the New Network Theory Conference, Institute of Network Cultures, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 28-30, 2007, invited by Geert Lovink and Richard Rogers |
May 22 2007 | with Rudolf Frieling (Curator of Media Arts, SFMoMA), “Art, Technology and Conversation,” presented at the Art & Conversation Discussion Series, co-organized by the University Art Gallery at Sonoma State University and the Community Foundation Sonoma County, funded by the James Irvine Foundation Communities Advancing the Arts Initiative, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA, May 22, 2007, invited by Michael Schwager. |
Apr 25 2007 | “Technologies of Community, Conversation by Design: How should networked public spaces be designed?” presented at the conference Planning for the Conservation and Future Design of Towns and Cities: A US-Japan Dialogue, co-organized by the US Embassy, Tokyo; the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies; and, the Graduate School of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, April 25, 2007, invited by Shunya Yoshimi |
Jan 18 2007 | “Aesthetics, Art, and Digital Media,” Interdisciplinary Speakers Programs, Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, January 18, 2007, invited by Michael Kelly |
Jan 18 2007 | “Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” Visualization Center Seminar Series, Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, January 18, 2007, invited by William Ribarsky. |
May 11 2006 | “An Aesthetics of Democracy,” presented at the Distributed Aesthetics Seminar, Wissenschaftskolleg (Center for Advanced Study), Berlin, Germany, May 11-12, 2006, invited by Geert Lovink and Anna Munster. |
Mar 3 2006 | “An Art and Pedagogy of Computer Games,” present at the UCDARNet (UC Digital Arts Research Network) Information/Exchange, Design | Media Arts Department, UCLA, Los Angeles, March 3, 2006, invited by Victoria Vesna. |
Nov 10 2005 | “Artificial Memory,” presented at Saving Time: Interdisciplinary Perspective on Memory and Memorialization, University of California, Santa Cruz, November 10, 2005, invited by Tyrus Miller and David Hoy. |
Jun 21 2005 | "Open Source Conversations," École d'été, Département Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, 21 June 2005, invited by Françoise Détienne |
Jun 7 2005 | “Reading and Media,” Roundtable discussant, Research in the Technological, Social, and Cultural Practices of Online Reading, UCSB, Transliteracies UC MRG, Santa Barbara, CA, June 7, 2005, invited by Alan Liu |
May 5 2005 | “Public Space, Public Discussion and Social Computing,” presented at Mapping Global Landscapes: Emerging Spaces and Subjectivities, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, May 5, 2005, invited by Saskia Sassen |
Apr 26 2005 | “Agonistics: A Language Game,” Software demonstration, Social Computing Symposium, organized by the Social Computing Group in Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, April 26, 2005, invited by Shelly Farnham |
Feb 24 2005 | “Public Space, Public Discussion and Social Computing,” presented at the Center for New Media, UC Berkeley, February 24, 2005, invited by Whitney Davis |
Feb 18 2005 | “Public Space, Public Discussion and Social Computing,” presented at the School of Communication, Northwestern University, Technology and Social Behavior Speaker Series, February 18, 2005, invited by Eszter Hargittai |
Oct 19 2004 | “Public Space, Public Discussion and Social Computing,” presented at Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University and Department of Digital Media, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), October 19, 2004, invited by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun and Bill Seaman |
Oct 14 2004 | “Agonistics: A Language Game,” presented at the Institute for Distributed Creativity in collaboration with The Thing (http://www.thing.net), New York City, October 14, 2004, invited by Trebor Scholz |
Sep 11 2004 | “Network Technologies that do Notwork,” presented at the symposium The Power and Pathology of Networks, The Information Technology, War and Peace Project, The Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, September 11, 2004, invited by James Der Derian and Wendy Hui Kyong Chun |
| http://www.watsoninstitute.org/infopeace/ppn/audio/panel4_sack16.mp3 |
Apr 29 2004 | “Sophisticated Simulations: Simulation, Sophistry and Stupid Technical Tricks,” Workshop on Simulation and Other Re-enactments: Modeling the Unseen, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Canada, April 29, 2004, invited by Sara Diamond |
| http://www.banffcentre.ca/bnmi/programs/archives/2004/simulation/asx/Day02/13_sack.asx |
Apr 16 2004 | “A Critical Technical Practice,” Critical Praxis for the Emerging Culture Symposium, School of Art and School of Architecture, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, April 16, 2004, invited by Sung Ho Kim and Cynthia Weese |
| http://www.arch.wustl.edu/criticalpraxis/overview.htm |
Apr 4 2004 | with Michael Dale, “Drawing by Derive,” 040404: Colloquium on New Media and the Unfolding of New Structures in Old Spaces, UC Berkeley, invited by Greg Niemeyer and Ken Goldberg |
Mar 30 2004 | “Public Space, Public Discussion and Social Computing,” Microsoft Research Social Computing Symposium, Redmond, WA, March 30, 2004, organized by the Social Computing Group in Microsoft Research in collaboration with the Social Computing Research Groups at IBM and FX Palo Alto, invited by Shelly Farnham |
| http://murl.microsoft.com/LectureDetails.asp?1069 |
Feb 26 2004 | “Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” Research Workshop for Critical Studies of New Media, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, February 26, 2004, invited by Tim Lenoir |
Jan 24 2004 | “Picturing the Public: Algorithms and Interfaces for the Presentation of Public Opinion,” Media Art Network Lectures: Mapping, ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe, Germany, January 24, 2004, invited by Rudolf Frieling |
| https://zkm.de/en/event/2004/01/medien-kunst-netz-lectures-mapping |
| https://zkm.de/en/media/audio/warren-sack-picturing-the-public |
Sep 9 2003 | With Dilan Mahendran, Françoise Détienne and Jean-Marie Burkhardt, “Social and Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design for Open Source Software,” CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), invited by Pierre Falzon |
May 7 2003 | "Discourse Architecture and Very Large-Scale Conversation," presented at UC Santa Cruz, Computer Science Department Colloquium, May 7, 2003, invited by Jane Wilhelms |
Apr 26 2003 | "Discourse Architecture: Online Public Space and Public Discourse," Reality Zone conference of the UC Digital Arts Research Network, UC Santa Barbara, George Legrady, Lisa Jevbratt and Marko Peljhan (organizers), April 26, 2003 |
Apr 16 2003 | "Discourse Architecture: Online Public Space and Public Discourse," Center for Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz, Chris Connery, April 16, 2003 |
Mar 8 2003 | Forum Participant, "Translation Map," Digital Intermediaries Symposium, UC Santa Cruz, March 8, 2003, David Crane |
Dec 9 2002 | “Discourse Architecture,” presented at Brown University, Modern Cultures and Media Department, December 9, 2002, Sawad Brooks and Michael Silverman |
Dec 5 2002 | “Discourse Architecture,” Yale University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, December 5, 2002, Natalie Jeremijenko and Wei Tong |
Dec 3 2002 | “Discourse Architecture,” Cornell University, Computer Science Department and the Program in Information Science, December 3, 2002, Phoebe Sengers |
Nov 14 2002 | “What does a very large-scale conversation look like?” presented at Princeton University, GWA Faculty Group, November 14, 2002, Paul DiMaggio and David Dobkin |
Nov 1 2002 | with Sawad Brooks, “Translation Map,” University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Art Technology Center, November 1, 2002, Danae Falliers and Edward Angel |
Sep 21 2002 | “Discourse Architectures,” University of Minnesota Design Institute, Seven Pines Workshop, September 21, 2002, Jan Abrams |
Jun 17 2002 | “On the Summarization and Visualization of Very Large-Scale Conversations and Online Collaborations,” Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation (CSI), École des Mines de Paris (ENSMP), June 17, 2002, Michel Callon and Bruno Latour |
Jun 10 2002 | “Online Public Discourse and Computational Technologies of the Self,” presented at In/Formation: Genomics, Life and Media, Paris, France, Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris and the French State Department, June 10, 2002, Paul Rabinow, Claude Imbert, and Francis Pisani |
Jun 6 2002 | “A Quantitative Analysis of Some Online Forums for Software Developers,” Sun Microsystems Developer Web Services Colloquium, Menlo Park, CA, June 6, 2002, Elaine Coleman |
Apr 29 2002 | “Metadesigns for Conversation,” presented at Metadesign, Inc., San Francisco, CA, April 29, 2002, Elizabeth Glenewinkel |
Mar 18 2002 | “Suture Self: Computers and Technologies of the Self,” Department of Film and Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz, March 18, 2002, Eli Hollander |
Mar 9 2002 | “Online Public Space and Public Discourse,” presented at Interfacing Knowledge: New Paradigms for Computing in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, UC Digital Cultures Project (Multi-Campus Research Unit), March 9, 2002, Mark Meadow and Bill Warner |
Mar 1 2002 | “Citizen-Centered Software Design,” Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, New York City, March 1, 2002, Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen |
Mar 1 2002 | Discussant for presentation by Michael Chwe on “Common Knowledge,” Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, New York City, March 1, 2002, Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen |
Feb 2 2002 | "The Social Technologies Research Group," Art Technology and Culture meeting 020202: Social Technologies Dialogue, UC Berkeley, February 2, 2002, Shawn Brixey, Ken Goldberg, Greg Niemeyer, Rick Reinhardt |
Jan 23 2002 | with Rachel Strickland, "Visual Interfaces to Information Spaces and Social Networks," Sun Microsystems Developer Web Services Colloquium, Menlo Park, CA, January 23, 2002, Paul Pangaro and Elaine Coleman |
Jan 19 2002 | "From Chronopoly to Chronocracy" presented at Radical Time 2002, Art Department, UC Los Angeles, January 19, 2002, Cletus Dalglish-Schommer |
Nov 8 2001 | "Nine One One," UCDARNet (UC Digital Arts Research Network) meeting 9/11-N2N: Networks to Nanosystems: Art, Science and Technology in Times of Crisis, UC Santa Cruz, November 8, 2001, Sharon Daniel |
Oct 25 2001 | “Information Architecture and the Geometry of Social Relations,” colloquium series for the Berkeley Center for Globalization and Information Technology, UC Berkeley, October 25, 2001, Greig Crysler |
Oct 23 2001 | “New Tools and Theories for Understanding Learning on the Internet,” presented to the French Ministry of Research and Education participants for the UC Berkeley meeting on e-Learners/e-Teachers: Facts, Myths, Trends, October 23, 2001, Gilles Braun |
Sep 22 2001 | “Information Architecture and the Topology of Social Relations,” Emotional Architectures/Cognitive Science in Interaction Design Program at the Banff New Media Institute, Banff Canada, September 22, 2001, Sara Diamond |
Jul 20 2001 | “Code and Transnational Public Spheres,” Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, Summer Institute, Berkeley, July 20, 2001, Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen |
Jul 20 2001 | Discussant for presentation by Steve Weber on “Open Source Software and Cooperation,” Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, Summer Institute, Berkeley, July 20, 2001, Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen |
Jul 19 2001 | “Frontiers in Research Methods,” Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, Summer Institute, Berkeley, July 19, 2001, Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen |
Jul 15 2001 | with Nicolas Ducheneaut, “Information Technologies and Social Interactions,” Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, Summer Institute, Berkeley, July 15, 2001, Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen |
May 9 2001 | “The Conversation Map,” presented at Cooper Interactive Design, Palo Alto, CA, May 9, 2001, Robert Reimann. |
Mar 13 2001 | “Mapping Conversations: An Update Report,” Human-Centered Computing Meeting, CS Division, UC Berkeley, March 13, 2001, John Canny |
Sep 23 2000 | “Discourse Diagrams,” Living Architectures Program at the Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Canada, September 23, 2000, Sara Diamond. |
Sep 15 2000 | Guest Lecturer, “Building Codes: How are Online Conversations Designed?,” Seminar on Information Access, UC Berkeley, School of Information, September 15, 2000, Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch. |
Jul 10 2000 | “Design for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” Human-Center Computing Meeting, UC Berkeley, Lake Tahoe, CA, July 10, 2000, John Canny |
Apr 18 2000 | “Visualizations for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, April 18, 2000, Jim Spohrer |
Apr 13 2000 | “Visualizations for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” presented at Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA, April 13, 2000, Mark Stefik |
Mar 29 2000 | “Visualizations for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” Lotus Development Corporation, Cambridge, MA, March 29, 2000, Paul Moody and Daniel Gruen |
Mar 10 2000 | “Visualizations for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” Center for Strategic Technology Research, Andersen Consulting, Palo Alto, CA, March 10, 2000, Luke Hughes |
Mar 9 2000 | “Visualizations for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” presented at Ricoh Silicon Valley, Menlo Park, CA, March 9, 2000, Greg Wolff |
Feb 8 2000 | “Design for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” School of Information, University of California, Berkeley, February 8, 2000, Hal Varian |
Jan 21 2000 | “Conversation Map: An Interface for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” Seminar on People, Computers, and Design, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, January 21, 2000, Terry Winograd |
Jan 19 2000 | “Design for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” presented at Department of Design and Media Art, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, January 19, 2000, Victoria Vesna |
May 26 1998 | “(Art)ificial Intelligence,” Issues in Digital Media Art Lecture Series, Department of Art, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, May 26, 1998, Sharon Daniel |
Mar 5 1996 | “Software Agents or Digital Prostheses: Tired or Wired?,” presented for the PLATO Lecture Series, Society and the Internet, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, March 5, 1996, Sarah Williams |
1992 | Educational Testing Service, General Seminar Series, Washington, D.C. |
1991 | University of California, Cultural Studies of Science Research Cluster, Santa Cruz, CA |
1991 | MIT Media Lab, Narrative Intelligence Group, Cambridge, MA |
1991 | University of Michigan, Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence, Ann Arbor, MI |
1991 | Educational Testing Service, Model-Based Measurements Group, Princeton, NJ |
1990 | Educational Testing Service, General Seminar Series, Princeton, NJ |
1989 | University of Paris VIII, Department of Computer Science, Paris, France |
1989 | University of Geneva, Department of Psychology, Geneva, Switzerland |
1989 | University of Twente, Departments of Computer Science & Education, Twente, The Netherlands |
Oct 28 2023 | "Computation and the operations of work," in the panel "Working in, with and against the machines: historic trajectories of automation," Society for the History of Technology Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA |
Dec 5 2022 | "Interactive Storytelling and the Paradox of Democracy," International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), Santa Cruz, CA, December 4-7, 2022 |
Jun 13 2022 | "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Computer Program, Their Uses and Abuses," HaPoP 2022 Fifth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming, Lille, France, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société |
| https://www.shift-society.org/hapop5/ |
Oct 9 2021 | "Aesthetics as a Technical Controversy for Artificial Intelligence," Panel: The Code of Beauty: How Aesthetics Shape and Structure Technosciences, Marina Fedorova, Paul Dourish, and Melissa Mazmanian (co-chairs), Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 9 October 2021 |
Jun 21 2021 | "Which Democracy for the Web?" Workshop: Web and Philosophy (PHILOWEB) 2021: A Decade Retrospective, Harry Halpin and Alexandre Monnin (co-chairs), 13th ACM Web Science Conference, Globalisation, Inclusion and the Web in the Context of COVID, University of Southhampton, UK (online), 21 June 2021 |
| https://web-and-philosophy.org/event/philoweb-2021-schedule/ |
Oct 24 2019 | Keynote Address: “The Software Arts” (Keynote Address), presented at SPLASH 2019 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity), Athens, Greece, 24 October 2019 |
| https://2019.splashcon.org/details/splash-2019-splash-keynotes/4/The-Software-Arts |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKzJ7C_QySo&list=PLyrlk8Xaylp5Bg-l6GVTvknjaDNU4xKWA&index=63&t=0s |
Sep 6 2019 | Discussant for the roundtable “Digital STS,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 6, 2019 |
Sep 4 2019 | “Against Algorithm,” for the panel “The Social Life of Algorithms,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 4, 2019 |
Nov 14 2017 | “HOXs: Histories of Software Systems, Textbooks, Translations and Miniatures” for the “First Workshop on the History of Expressive Systems,” International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November 14, 2017 |
Oct 26 2016 | Session chair for keynote speaker, Bernard Stiegler: “There is no immateriality. The function of arts in the process of exosomatisation” at the 5th Computer Art Congress: Archiving and Questioning Materiality, Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris Nord, St. Denis, France, 26 October 2016 |
Mar 30 2016 | “Out of Bounds: Language Limits, Language Planning, and Linguistic Capitalism“ for the panel “Toward a Geographical Software Studies,” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 30, 2016. |
Dec 4 2015 | “Taking Steve Jobs Seriously: Innovation and the Liberal Arts,” for the panel “Manufacturing innovating and participating citizens,” Participating in Innovation, Innovating in Participation, i3: Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation, Mines ParisTech et Télécom ParisTech, December 4, 2015, by Michael Baker |
Nov 18 2015 | “Code and Critical Theory,” for the panel “Theories Workshop,” The Digital Subject Conference 4: Codes, University of Paris 8, November 18, 2015 |
Nov 11 2015 | with Karl Mendonca, “Building a Network: Infrastructure or Platform?”, for the panel “Cage fight: infrastructure studies vs. platform studies,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 11-14, 2015. |
Oct 25 2013 | “JSON, it’s not just for data anymore: Prototyping languages in JS” at JS.Everywhere, Treasure Island, San Francisco, 25 October 2013, by Lyle Troxell |
| http://jseverywhere.org |
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUweBjL1yUY |
Jun 12 2011 | with Mark Deckert and Abram Stern, “A Toolset for Web-based Peer Review of Scientific Testimony” (system demonstration), dg.o 2011: The 12th Annual International Conference on Digital Government: Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times, University of Maryland, College Park MD, June 12-15, 2011. |
Jul 23 2010 | Nick Montfort, Patsy Baudoin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mary Flanagan, Mark Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Warren Sack, Mark Sample, and Noah Vawter, "Studying Software by Porting and Reimplementation: A BASIC Case," Critical Code Studies Conference, University of Southern California, 23 July 2010. |
| http://criticalcodestudies.com/wordpress/abstracts/#10print |
May 17 2010 | with Mark Deckert and Abram Stern, “Enabling peer review of expert testimony within government proceedings” (poster), dg.o 2010: The 11th Annual International Conference on Digital Government: Public Administration Online: Challenges and Opportunities, Puebla, Mexico, May 17-20, 2010. |
Feb 10 2010 | “Using Software (Art) to See the World,” for the panel “The Culture of Dispersion,” presented at the College Art Association, Chicago, IL, February 10-13, 2010. |
Oct 29 2009 | “Software Studies” for the panel “Science and Technology Studies in Practice: Experimenting, Collaborating and Intervening,” Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 29, 2009 |
Oct 29 2009 | Discussant for the roundtable “What is Code? What is Coding? Emerging Science and Technology Studies approaches in studying computer code,” Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 29, 2009 |
Mar 23 2009 | with Michael Dale, Abram Stern, and Mark Deckert, “Metavid.org: A social website and open archive of congressional video,” poster and demonstration for "Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0,” a Spring Symposium for the American Association of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, March 23-25, 2009 |
| http://tw.rpi.edu/portal/AAAI-SSS-09:_Social_Semantic_Web:_Where_Web_2.0_Meets_Web_3.0 |
Jun 26 2008 | with Jo Ann Sison, “What Makes a Search Engine Good for Democracy? Public Opinion Polling and the Evaluation of Software,” Tools for Participation: Collaboration, Deliberation, and Decision Support; Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing; Conference on Online Deliberation (DIAC-2008/OD2008) Berkeley, CA, June 26-29, 2008. |
Apr 17 2008 | with Michael Dale and Abram Stern, “Feeding Congress to the Web: A New Architecture for the Capitol,” presented at Politics: Web 2.0: An International Conference, University of London, Royal Holloway, UK, April 17-18, 2008 |
Feb 21 2008 | “Digital Aesthetics and the Collapse of Contemporary Common Sense,” presented at the College Art Association, Dallas, TX, February 21, 2008 |
Aug 6 2007 | “Aesthetics, Politics and Networks,” art exhibition presentation, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007, San Diego, CA, August 6, 2007 |
Jul 3 2007 | “Art and Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” Information Aesthetics Workshop of the Visualization Summit, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland, July 3, 2007, by Andrew Vande Moere |
Apr 17 2007 | “The Spaces of Open Source Software Design,” Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 17, 2007 |
Nov 4 2006 | With Flore Barcellini, Françoise Détienne, and Jean-Marie Burkhardt,“Visualizing Roles and Design Interactions in an Open Source Software Community,” Workshop on Supporting the Social Side of Large-Scale Software Development, ACM CSCW, Banff, Canada, November 4-8, 2006 |
Feb 23 2006 | “Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” College Art Association, Boston, MA, February 23, 2006 |
Nov 6 2005 | with Flore Barcellini, Françoise Détienne, and Jean-Marie Burkhardt, “Thematic coherence and quotation practices in OSS design-oriented online discussions,” Proceedings of ACM Group: International Conference on Supporting Group Work, Sanibel Island, Florida, November 6, 2005. |
Jun 6 2005 | with Flore Barcellini, Françoise Détienne, and Jean-Marie Burkhardt, “A study of online discussions in an Open-Source Software Community: Reconstructing thematic coherence and argumentation from quotation practices,” Proceedings of the Communities and Technologies Conference, Milan, Italy, June 6, 2005. |
May 21 2005 | Panel chair and discussant, “E-Democracy: Prospects and Approaches” for the Second Conference on Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice / DIAC-2005, Stanford University http://www.online-deliberation.net/conf2005/index.php |
May 20 2005 | with John Kelly and Michael Dale, “Searching the Net for Differences of Opinion,” Second Conference on Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice (Online Deliberation 2005/DIAC-2005), Stanford University, May 20, 2005 |
Aug 28 2004 | “Aesthetics of Information Visualization,” International 4S Conference: Social Studies of Science and Society, Paris, France, August 28, 2004 |
Oct 18 2003 | “Mapping Conversations” (poster) International 4S Conference: Social Studies of Science and Society, Atlanta, GA, October 18, 2003. |
Oct 17 2003 | with Nicolas Ducheneaut, Dilan Mahendran, Françoise Détienne and Jean-Marie Burkhardt, “Social Architecture and Technological Determinism in Open Source Software Development,” International 4S Conference: Social Studies of Science and Society, Atlanta, GA, October 17, 2003. |
Nov 5 2002 | with Nicolas Ducheneaut and Dilan Mahendran, “The Sociotechnical Construction of Open Source Software” International 4S Conference: Social Studies of Science and Society, Milwaukee, WI, November 5, 2002. |
May 16 2002 | “Artificial Dialectics,” in Shaping the Network Society: Patterns for Participation, Action and Change: DIAC-02 Symposium, Seattle, WA, May 16-19, 2002. |
May 16 2002 | “Artificial Dialectics,” Shaping the Network Society: Patterns for Participation, Action and Change: DIAC-02 Symposium, Seattle, WA, May 16-19, 2002 |
Apr 22 2002 | with Tom Erickson and Susan Herring, "Discourse Architectures: Designing and Visualizing Computer-Mediated Conversation," workshop description in the Proceedings of ACM CHI 2002, Minneapolis, MN, April 22, 2002. |
Aug 13 2001 | “Information Architecture and the Topology of Social Relations,” panel “Cultural Mediation in New Media Spaces,” ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Los Angeles, CA, August 12-17, 2001. |
Aug 12 2001 | “What does a very large-scale conversation look like?” in the Electronic Arts Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Los Angeles, CA, August 12-17, 2001. |
Apr 25 2001 | “Social Networks and Social Navigation,” panel “Scholarly Networks” at the International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 25-29, 2001. |
Nov 15 2000 | “Picturing the Public: Algorithms and Interfaces for the Presentation of Public Opinion,” panel Public Authority and Simulation, American Association of Anthropology, San Francisco, November 15-19, 2000. |
Nov 2 2000 | ”Mapping Conversations,” workshop “Dealing with Community Data,” ACM CSCW Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Philadelphia, November 2-6, 2000. |
May 20 2000 | “Navigating Very Large-Scale Conversations” in the Proceedings of DIAC 2000: Shaping the Network Society: The Future of the Public Sphere in Cyberspace, Seattle, WA: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, May 20-23, 2000. |
Jan 9 2000 | “Conversation Map: A Content-based Usenet Newsgroup Browser” in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, New Orleans, LA: Association for Computing Machinery, January 9-12, 2000. Reprinted in From Usenet to CoWebs: Interacting with Social Information Spaces, Christopher Lueg and Danyel Fisher, Editors (New York: Springer, 2002). |
Jan 4 2000 | “Discourse Diagrams: Interface Design for Very Large Scale Conversations” in the Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Persistent Conversations Track, Maui, HI: IEEE Computer Society, January 4-7, 2000. |
Nov 5 1999 | “Stories and Social Networks” in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Narrative Intelligence, Cape Cod, MA: American Association of Artificial Intelligence, November 5-7, 1999. |
Oct 8 1999 | with Joseph Dumit, “Very Large-Scale Conversations and Illness-based Social Movements,” presented at Media in Transition, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 8-10, 1999. |
Jun 22 1999 | “Diagrams of Social Cohesion” In Descriptions of Demonstrated Systems, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’99) University of Maryland, College Park, June 20-26, 1999. |
Apr 21 1997 | “Tactics versus Strategies and Amplifiers versus Filters: Technology and Freedom of Expression” panel New Media: Prospects and Problems, James Carey (moderator), United Nation/Columbia University Roundtable on Communication for the Promotion of Peace, Development, Democracy and Respect for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Global Village, United Nations Department of Public Information and Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Harriman, NY, April 21-24, 1997 |
Feb 12 1997 | “On-Line Language Games” panel Cyberspace: Trojan Horse or Roman Holiday?, Andrea Feeser and Jon Winet (organizers), College Art Association (CAA97), New York, New York, February 12-15, 1997. |
Jun 25 1996 | “Actor-Role Analysis: Ideology, Point of View and the News” in Collected Abstracts of the Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistics Computing (ALLC) and the Association for Computing in the Humanities (ACH), Bergen, Norway, June 25-29, 1996. |
Apr 25 1996 | “Replaying Turing's Imitation Game,” panel Nets and Internets at Console-ing Passions: Television, Video and Feminism, Madison, WI, April 25-28, 1996. |
Nov 10 1995 | “Representing and Recognizing Point of View,” in Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Knowledge Navigation and Retrieval, Cambridge, MA, November 10-12, 1995. |
Nov 1 1995 | “Desire and Drive In Movies: Autos and the Infobahn”, in Collected Abstracts of Technology, History, Theory: A Centennial Reflection on Cinema, Athens, Ohio, November 1-4, 1995. |
Jun 15 1995 | “Ideological Point of View and Digital Prostheses for Interpretation,” in the Collected Abstracts of Narrative Perspectives: Cognition and Emotion, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 15, 1995. |
Aug 1 1994 | “On the Computation of Point of View,” in Proceedings of the National Conference of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 94), Seattle, WA, July 31-August 4, 1994. |
Jul 31 1994 | “Indexing Multimedia by Ideology,” in Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence Workshop on Indexing and Reuse of Multimedia, Seattle, WA, July 31-August 4, 1994. |
Jun 20 1994 | “Future News: Constructing the Audience Constructing the News,” in Proceedings of WRITE’94, Vancouver, Canada, June 20, 1994. |
May 14 1994 | with Marc Davis, “IDIC: Assembling Video Sequences from Story Plans and Content Annotations,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Boston, MA, May 14-19, 1994. |
Aug 28 1993 | “Coding News and Popular Culture,” International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Workshop on Models of Teaching and Models of Learning, Chambéry, France, August 28 -September 3, 1993. |
Jun 10 1992 | “Knowledge Compilation and the Language Design Game,” Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Second International Conference, Montréal, Canada, June 10-12 |
Mar 17 1992 | with Randy Bennett and Elliot Soloway, “The Advanced Placement Computer Science Practice and Feedback System,” NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cognitive Models and Intelligent Environments for Learning Programming, Genoa, Italy, March 17-21, 1992. |
Nov 15 1991 | “Constructivism and Digital, Networked Television,” in the Collected Abstracts of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium on Knowledge and Action at Social and Organizational Levels, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, November 15-17, 1991. |
May 5 1991 | NATO Advanced Workshop on Student Modeling, Ste. Adele, Québec, Canada, May 4-8, 1991. |
Apr 19 1991 | “The Design of Computer-Based Non-Tools for Problematization,” in the Collected Abstracts of the Second International Conference on Cyberspace, Santa Cruz, CA, April 19-20, 1991. |
Jul 8 1989 | “Interdisciplinary Memories and Explanations,” NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Guided Discovery Tutoring, Il Ciocco, Italy, July 7-11, 1989. |
Jun 10 1988 | “Finding Errors by Overlooking Them,” International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-88), Claude Frasson, editor, Montréal, Canada, June 10-12, 1988. |
Aug 1 1985 | with James Spohrer, Edgar Pope, Michael Lipman, Scott Freiman, David Littman, Lewis Johnson, & Elliot Soloway, “Bugs in novice programs and misconceptions in novice programmers,” IFIP/AFIPS 4th World Conference on Computers in Education, Norfolk, VA, July 29-August 2, 1985 |
2018 - Present | Editorial Group, Computational Culture, a Journal of Software Studies (http://computationalculture.net/) |
2016 - Present | Scientific Advisory Board (Comité scientifique), Études Digitales, a French-language journal of digital studies, http://etudes-digitales.fr/ (Éditions Classiques Garnier) |
2023 | Program committee member for the 7th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC-7), October 18-20, 2023, Philosophy of Computing Group, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland |
2023 | Reviewer for promotion to full professor, Media, Culture, and Communication Department, New York University |
2023 | Reviewer for a special issue on "Digital Narratives: Theories, Criticism(s), Achievements," Journal of Communication and Languages, published by the NOVA Institute of Communication, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal |
2023 | Reviewer for promotion to full professor, Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo – The State University of New York |
2023 | Proposal reviewer for the French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme |
2023 | Book proposal reviewer for New Media, Digital Humanities, Game Studies, HCI, and Design (MIT Press) |
2022 | Manuscript reviewer for Just Tech, an online, peer-reviewed platform published by the SSRC (Social Science Research Council) |
2022 | Manuscript reviewer for the Digital Humanities Quarterly, published by Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations |
2022 | Reviewer for Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Association for Computing Machinery, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (online), June 13-17, 2022 |
| https://dis.acm.org/2022/ |
2022 | Proposal reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund (Vienna, Austria) |
2022 | Proposal reviewer for the European Research Council, European Commission of the European Union |
2022 | Reviewer of academic textbook for Rowman & Littlefield, publishers |
2021 | Program committee member for the 6th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC-6), 27-29 October 2021, Turing Centre at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland |
2021 | Book reviewer for Literature and Philosophy (Stanford University Press) |
2021 | Proposal reviewer for the French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme |
2021 | Reviewer for Big Data & Society, an open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by SAGE |
Aug 2020 | Tenure review for the Department of Film & Media, University of California, Berkeley |
2020 | Reviewer for Artnodes: Journal on Art, Science and Technology (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain) |
2020 | Reviewer for appointment to Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego |
2020 | Reviewer for Foundations of Science (Springer), a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal focussing on methodological and philosophical topics concerning the structure and the growth of science |
2020 | Program committee member for “PX/20: Programming Experience (PX) Workshop,” 2020, 23-26 March 2020, Porto, Portugal |
| https://2020.programming-conference.org/home/px-2020 |
2019 | Proposal reviewer for the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Institut d’études avancées de Paris) |
2019 | Book manuscript reviewer for New Media, Game Studies, Digital Humanities, Human-Computer Interaction (MIT Press) |
2018 | Reviewer for promotion to Professor, Department of Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley |
2018 | Reviewer for appointment to Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
2011 - 2018 | Editorial Advisory Board, Computational Culture, a Journal of Software Studies (http://computationalculture.net/) |
2017 | Proposal reviewer for the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Institut d’études avancées de Paris) |
2017 | Reviewer for promotion from Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) to Reader (Associate Professor), Department of Media Arts, Royal Holloway, University of London |
2017 | Book proposal reviewer for Media Studies (Bloomsbury Academic Publishing) |
2017 | Proposal reviewer for the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Institut d’études avancées de Paris) |
2016 | Reviewer for promotion to Professor, School of Media Studies, New School for Public Engagement, The New School, New York, NY |
2016 | Book reviewer for Routledge Research Series on Media and Cultural Studies (Routledge and the Taylor & Francis Group) |
2016 | Reviewer for Amodern, a peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal devoted to the study of media, culture, and poetics (http://amodern.net/) |
2016 | Member of the steering committee, Computer Art Congress, October 26-28, 2016, Paris, France |
2016 | Book reviewer for New Media, Game Studies, Digital Humanities, Human-Computer Interaction (MIT Press) |
2016 | Proposal reviewer for the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Institut d’études avancées de Paris) |
2016 | Proposal reviewer for the German Research Foundation (Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft) |
2015 | Proposal reviewer for the Mellon Foundation/Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) Transatlantic Program for Collaborative Work in the Field of Digital Humanities |
2015 | Book reviewer for New Media and Technology (Bloomsbury Academic Publishing) |
2015 | Proposal reviewer for the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)) |
2013 | External reviewer for appointment to Professor, Department of Media Studies, New School for Public Engagement, The New School, New York, NY |
2013 | External assessor for faculty promotion from Reader to Professor in the School of Media, Film & Music, Sussex University (UK) |
2013 | External assessor for faculty promotion from Reader to Personal Chair (Professor) in Sociology, Lancaster University (UK) |
2012 | External assessor for faculty promotion from Senior Lecturer to Reader in Media Practice, London Metropolitan University (UK) |
2012 | Reviewer for International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier) |
2011 | Reviewer for International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier) |
2011 | Proposal review for the Richard and Mary Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry, University of Chicago |
2011 | Tenure review for the Modern Culture and Media Department, Brown University, Providence, RI |
2011 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering |
2011 | Reviewer for Leonardo: Journal of Electronic Art and Culture (MIT Press) |
2011 | Reviewer for FDG 2011, the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, June 28 – July 1, 2011, Bordeaux, France |
2011 | Book Reviewer for Science, Technology & Society; and, Information Science (MIT Press) |
2010 | Reviewer for CHI 2011: 29th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 7-12, 2011, Vancouver BC |
2010 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Human Genome Research Institute |
2010 | Book Reviewer for New Media, Games Studies, and Design (MIT Press) |
2010 | Program Committee Member, OD2010: Fourth International Conference on Online Deliberation, Leeds University, Leeds, UK, June 30-July 2, 2010 |
2009 | Proposal Juror, International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA 2010), Ruhr, Germany. |
2009 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Ad-Hoc Review |
2009 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Network Science and Engineering Program |
2009 | Tenure review for the Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Cruz |
2009 | Reviewer for Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies (UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press) |
2009 | Reviewer for the Digital Arts and Culture (DAC) Conference, Software / Platform Studies Track, December 12-15, 2009, UC Irvine, CA. |
2008 | Program Committee Member, Workshop on Media Arts, Science, and Technology, January 29-30, 2009, UC Santa Barbara, CA. |
2008 | Reviewer for the ACM Multimedia - Interactive Arts Program, October 27 – November 1, 2008, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. |
2008 | Jury member, Edith Russ Site for Media Art, six-month work stipends, Oldenberg, Germany (http://www.edith-russ-haus.de/index.php/Stipendien/Stipendien) |
2008 | Reviewer for Interacting with Computers: The interdisciplinary journal of Human-Computer Interaction (Elsevier) |
2008 | Book Reviewer for New Media, Games Studies, and Design (MIT Press) |
2008 | Program Committee Member, DIAC-2008/OD2008: Directions in Advanced Computing/Online Deliberation Conference, Theme: “Tools for Participation: Collaboration, Deliberation, and Decision Support”; June 26-29, 2008, Berkeley, CA. |
2007 | Book Reviewer for Computer Science and New Media (MIT Press) |
2007 | Reviewer for "Persistent Conversations Track" of the HICSS 2008: ACM Hawai’i International Conference for the System Systems, Honolulu, HI |
2007 | Reviewer for the Journal of Cultural Anthropology (American Anthropological Association and the University of California Press) |
2007 | Reviewer for the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (International Communication Association) |
2007 | Member of the College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chairs Program (Social Sciences and Humanities), Government of Canada |
2007 | Tenure review for the New Media Program, University of Maine, Orono |
2006 | Tenure review for Department of Media Study, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York |
2006 | Tenure review for the Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego |
2006 | Tenure review for the Communications and New Media Programme, National University of Singapore |
2006 | Program Committee Member, Social Visualization Workshop, ACM SIGCHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Quebec, Canada |
2006 | Program Committee Member, Computational Aesthetics Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Beauty and Happiness, AAAI (American Association of Artificial Intelligence), Boston, MA |
2006 | Proposal Juror, “Urban Experience Program,” Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA 2006) |
2006 | Program Committee Member for the Fifth Annual Social Intelligence Design Workshop, Osaka, Japan |
2006 | Reviewer for "Persistent Conversations Track" of the HICSS 2007: ACM Hawai’i International Conference for the System Systems, Honolulu, HI |
2006 | Workshop member, National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, overview and discussion of new program organization at NSF: Human-Centered Computing, September 2006 |
2005 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Sciences |
2005 | Reviewer for “Persistent Conversations Track” of the HICSS 2006: ACM Hawai’i International Conference for the System Systems, Honolulu, HI, January 2006. |
2004 | Reviewer for the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (International Communication Association) |
2004 | External reference for l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France) faculty promotion from the rank of maître de conférences in sociology to directeur d’études |
2003 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science, and Technology Program |
2003 | Reviewer for the journal of Information Visualization (Palgrave Publishers) |
2003 | Reviewer for "Persistent Conversations Track" of the HICSS 2004: ACM Hawai’i International Conference for the System Systems, Honolulu, HI |
2003 | Reviewer for the InfoVis2003: IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, Seattle, WA |
2003 | Reviewer for the International Journal of Information Technologies and International Development (MIT Press) |
2002 | Reviewer for SIGCHI 2003: International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Fort Lauderdale, FL |
2002 | Reviewer for The Internet Encyclopedia (John Wiley and Sons) |
2002 | Reviewer for the journal of Human-Computer Interaction (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) |
2002 | Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science, and Technology Program |
2002 | Book Proposal Reviewer for Computer Science and New Media (MIT Press) |
2001 | Reviewer for the journal Information and Society (Taylor and Francis) |
2001 | Reviewer for the journal Sociological Perspectives (University of California Press) |
2001 | Reviewer for the for "Persistent Conversations Track" of HICSS 2002: ACM Hawai’i International Conference for the System Systems, Honolulu, HI |
2001 | Committee member for award of the PhD fellowship in documentation studies at the University of Tromsø (Komite for stipendiatstilling i dokumentasjonsvitenskap, Universitetet i Tromsø; reviewed theses and other materials in Norwegian). |
2001 | Reviewer for GROUP 2001: The ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, Boulder, Colorado, September 30 – October 3, 2001. |
2000 | Reviewer for the journal Information and Society (Taylor and Francis) |
2000 | Reviewer for the journal Discourse and Society (Sage Publications) |
1998 | Reviewer, International Conference on Computers and Education, Beijing, China |
1997 | Reviewer, 8th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems, Kobe, Japan |
1992 - 1997 | Reviewer, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (International AIED Society) |
1995 | Reviewer, 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education, Washington, D.C. |
1994 | Program committee member for the East-West Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality, Moscow, Russia |
Oct 14 2021 | Panelist, Symposium Roundtable Discussion on Open Source at UC Santa Cruz, Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS) Baskin School of Engineering (BSOE), UC Santa Cruz, invited by Stephanie Lieggi |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvgGVIZs1ts&ab_channel=CenterforResearchinOpenSourceSoftware |
Feb 5 2020 | presenter with Lise Geetor, Science and Justice Graduate Seminar, Science and Justice Research Center, UC Santa Cruz, 5 February 2020, invited by Jenny Reardon |
Dec 5 2019 | Organizer and presenter, Roundtable on Computing and the Liberal Arts, Claremont Colleges (Pomona, Harvey Mudd, Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges), Claremont, CA, 5 December 2019, invited by Carlin Wing |
Nov 22 2019 | Workshop organizer and presenter (Operational Images), PhD Program, Film & Media Department, UC Berkeley, 22 November 2019, Professor Jacob Gaboury |
Nov 21 2019 | presenter, Introduction to Computational Media, PhD Program, Computational Media Department, UC Santa Cruz, 21 November 2019, Professor Noah Wardrip-Fruin |
Nov 20 2018 | presenter, Introduction to Computational Media, PhD Program, Computational Media Department, UC Santa Cruz, 20 November 2018, Adjunct Professor Daniel Shapiro |
May 23 2018 | presenter, Introduction to Graduate Study, Graduate Seminar, PhD Program, Film & Digital Media Department, UC Santa Cruz, 23 May 2018, Professor Yiman Wang |
Feb 15 2018 | presenter, Theory and Praxis of Film and Digital Media, Graduate Seminar, PhD Program, Film & Digital Media Department, UC Santa Cruz, 15 February 2018, Professor Jonathan Kahana |
May 10 2017 | presenter, Introduction to Graduate Study, Graduate Seminar, PhD Program, Film & Digital Media Department, UC Santa Cruz, 10 May 2017, Professor Anna Friz |
Feb 25 2017 | presenter, History of Art & Visual Culture Graduate Grant Writing Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, February 25, 2017, Stephanie Moore |
Dec 15 2016 | lecturer, Master 2 Recherche Design, Arts, Médias, Université Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne, 15 December 2016, Professor Annie Gentes |
May 25 2016 | presenter, History of Art & Visual Culture Graduate Grant Writing Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, May 25, 2016, Professor Maria Evangelatou |
May 26 2015 | Guest lecturer, “Digital Humanities & Software Studies,” Digital Humanities Working Group, UC Santa Cruz, May 26, 2015, invited by Rachel Deblinger |
May 15 2015 | presenter, Arts & Humanities Grants & Fellowships Workshop for Graduate Students, Arts Division and the Institute for Humanities Research, UC Santa Cruz, May 15, 2015, Associate Director Irena Polic and Research Grants Coordinator Stephanie Moore |
| http://ihr.ucsc.edu/event/arts-and-humanities-grants-and-fellowships-workshop-for-graduate-students/ |
Dec 4 2014 | Guest lecturer, “La création de langages de programmation avec JavaScript,” presented at EnsadLab, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France, 4 December 2014, invited by Samuel Bianchini |
Sep 18 2014 | instructor, “Introduction to JavaScript Programming,” Digital Arts & New Media Program Technical Orientation, UC Santa Cruz, September 18, 2014, Technical Coordinator Kristin Erickson |
Sep 11 2013 | instructor, “Introduction to JavaScript Programming,” Digital Arts & New Media Program Technical Orientation, UC Santa Cruz, September 11, 2013, Technical Coordinator Kristin Erickson |
Apr 23 2013 | presenter, “Software,” Atélier d’Ecriture pour les doctorants (Writing Workshop for PhD students), Sciences Po, 23 April 2013, Professor Bruno Latour |
Mar 12 2013 | “Computational Arts,” PhD Master Class / Seminar, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 12 March 2013, Professors Matthew Fuller & Noortje Marres |
May 18 2012 | “Open Source Creativity,” Graduate Student Leadership Certificate Program, Division of Graduate Studies, UCSC, 18 May 2012, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Tyrus Miller and Assistant Dean Jim Moore |
Apr 25 2012 | “Agonistic Democracy and Relational Aesthetics,” Dialogues and Questions: Writing About Performance, Creative Work, and Social Practice, Digital Arts & New Media MFA Program, UCSC, 25 April 2012, Professor Benjamin Carson |
Nov 10 2011 | “Network Aesthetics,” Genealogies of the Experimental, Graduate Seminar, Experimental and Documentary Arts MFA Program, Duke University, 10 November 2011, Professor Tim Lenoir |
Oct 5 2011 | “Narrative Intelligence,” Introduction to Graduate Study, Graduate Seminar, PhD Program, Film & Digital Media Department, UC Santa Cruz, 5 October 2011, Professor Shelley Stamp |
Sep 9 2011 | instructor, “Introduction to JavaScript Programming,” Digital Arts & New Media Program Technical Orientation, UC Santa Cruz, September 9, 2011, Technical Coordinator Lyle Troxell |
Jun 10 2011 | Guest lecturer, “Rules, Facts, and Institutions: How to do software with Searle,” presented at a “Working Lunch,” Philosophy Department, UC Santa Cruz, June 10, 2011, invited by Daniel Guevara |
Dec 6 2010 | Guest lecturer, “A JavaScript-Based HTN Planner,” Expressive Intelligence Studio, Computer Science Department, School of Engineering, UCSC, 6 December 2010, Professors Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Michael Mateas |
Nov 4 2010 | Guest lecturer, “New Rhetorics,” Introduction to Graduate Studies, Graduate Seminar, PhD Program, Film & Digital Media Department, 4 November 2010, Professor Peter Limbrick |
Sep 10 2010 | instructor, “Introduction to JavaScript Programming,” Digital Arts & New Media Technical Orientation Workshop, UC Santa Cruz, September 10, 2011, Technical Coordinator Lyle Troxell |
Mar 11 2010 | Guest discussant, Mobile City Chronicles, Graduate Seminar, Departments of Art Practice and Anthropology, UC Berkeley, 11 March 2010, Professors James Holston and Greg Niemeyer |
May 28 2008 | Guest lecturer, Technology Targeted at Social Issues, Undergraduate Lecture, Computer Science Department, School of Engineering, UCSC, 28 May 2008, Professor James Davis |
Apr 9 2008 | Guest lecturer, UC Santa Cruz Leadership Academy (for UCSC faculty, staff and administrators), “Innovations in Teaching, Research and Public Service,” UCSC Silicon Valley Center, NASA Ames Research Center, 9 April 2008, Professor and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Alison Galloway |
Nov 2 2007 | Guest presenter and critic, Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning, Columbia University, Advanced Design Studio, 2 November & 9 November & 7 December 2007, Professor Mabel O. Wilson |
Jun 16 2007 | Faculty address, Graduation Ceremony, Porter College, UC Santa Cruz, June 16, 2007, Provost David Evan Jones |
Jun 5 2007 | Guest lecturer, Global Information Internship Program, Sociology Department, UC Santa Cruz, June 5, 2007, Professor Paul Lubeck |
Apr 24 2007 | Guest presenter, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, April 24, 2007, invited by Dean Shunya Yoshimi and Professor Shin Mizukoshi |
May 6 2005 | Chair and discussant for graduate panel, “Discoursive spaces,” The 7th annual Globalization Conference: Mapping Global Landscapes: Emerging Spaces and Subjectivities, Department fo Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Professor Saskia Sassen |
Feb 3 2005 | Guest lecturer, Introduction to Production, Undergraduate Lecture, Film & Digital Media Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, Professor Irene Gustafson |
Oct 20 2004 | Guest lecturer, Introduction to Digital Media, Undergraduate Lecture, Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, Providence, RI, Professor Wendy Hui Kyong Chun |
Oct 19 2004 | critic, MFA Program, Department of Digital Media, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, RI, Professor Bill Seaman |
Oct 13 2004 | Guest lecturer, Organizations and Interactive Technologies, Graduate Seminar, Department of Sociology, Columbia University, New York, NY, Professor David Stark |
May 11 2004 | critic, Digital Media Design Studio, Graduate Course, School of Information, UC Berkeley, Professor Marc Davis |
Apr 26 2004 | Guest lecturer, Introduction to Production, Undergraduate Lecture, Film & Digital Media Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, Professor Chip Lord |
Jan 25 2004 | Guest lecturer and critic, Graduate Studio in Digital Art, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung im Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany, Professor Michael Saup |
Sep 10 2003 | Guest lecturer, Description de controverses et stage d’exécution, Ecole des Mines de Paris (ENSMP), Professor Bruno Latour |
May 5 2003 | critic, Multimedia Information Systems, Graduate Course, School of Information, UC Berkeley, Professor Marc Davis |
Fall 2002 | reviewer (midterm and final reviews), Topics in Architecture and Information, Graduate Studio, School of Architecture, Princeton University, Professor Laura Kurgan |
Spring 2002 | reviewer, Experience and Interface Design for Engineers, Undergraduate Course, Department of IEOR, UC Berkeley, Professor Ken Goldberg |
Fall 2001 | reviewer, Computer Graphics and Animation, Undergraduate Studio, Department of Art Practice, UC Berkeley, Professor Greg Niemeyer |
Apr 10 2001 | Panel moderator, High Tech with a Heart: IT Consulting and Training with Nonprofits, Panelists: Amy Luckey, Director of Special Projects, TechRocks; Marlon Mendietta, Technology Center Manager, Arribas Juntos; Dinesh Mistry, Senior Program Manager, Consulting, CompuMentor; Joni Podolsky, Program Director, Wired for Good, Center for Excellence in Non-Profits; and, Erick Recinos-Rosas, Technology Consultant, CompuMentor. Organized by Sarah Dunham of the UC Berkeley, Career Center, April, 10, 2001. |
Oct 3 2000 | Guest lecturer, Seminar on Information Visualization, UC Berkeley, School of Information, Marti Hearst |
Spring 2000 | critic, Interrogative Design Studio, Graduate Studio, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Professor Krzysztof Wodiczko and Professor Edith Ackermann |
Feb 23 2000 | Guest lecturer, Seminar on Information Visualization, Department of Computer Science, Harvard University, February 23, 2000, Marti Hearst |
Winter 2000 | Juror, MArch Thesis Reviews, Southern California Institute of Architecture (Sci-Arc), Professor Tarek Naga (coordinator) and Professor Karl S. Chu |
Fall 1999 | critic, Advanced Design Studio, Graduate Studio, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University, Professor Karl S. Chu |
Fall 1999 | critic, Interrogative Design Studio, Graduate Studio, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Professor Krzysztof Wodiczko and Professor Edith Ackermann |
Fall 1999 | Guest lecturer, Tangible Media and Information Environments, Graduate Studio, Yale University, Department of Architecture, Professors Natalie Jeremijenko and Sawad Brooks |
Fall 1999 | Guest lecturer, Introduction to Media Studies, Graduate and Undergraduate Course, MIT Comparative Media Studies Program, Professor Henry Jenkins |
Fall 1999 | presenter and critic, Computer Seminar: Re-Representing the Object, Graduate Studio, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Department of Architecture, Professor Sung Ho Kim |
Spring 1999 | critic, Interrogative Design Studio, Graduate Studio, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Professors Krzysztof Wodiczko and Edith Ackermann |
Spring 1999 | critic, Graduate and Undergraduate Projects, Digital Media Center for the Arts, Yale University, Professors Natalie Jeremijenko and Carol Scully |
Fall 1998 | Guest lecturer, Media History and Theory, Undergraduate Course, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Art History, Professor Catherine Soussloff |
Fall 1997 | Guest lecturer, Computer Art, Undergraduate Studio, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Art, Professor Sharon Daniel |
Spring 1997 | critic, Nomadic Design Studio, Graduate Studio, MIT Department of Architecture, Professor Krzysztof Wodiczko and Professor Wellington Reiter |
Spring 1996 | critic, Architectural Design Studio, Undergraduate Studio, MIT Department of Architecture, Professor Wellington Reiter |
Spring 1996 | critic, Interrogative Design Workshop, Graduate Workshop, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Professor Krzysztof Wodiczko |
Fall 1995 | critic, Tactical Design Workshop, Graduate Workshop, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Professor Krzysztof Wodiczko |