Gigabit Ethernet Service and Features
Feature Name Identifier Feature Description  Non-Recurring Charge   Recurring Rate  Unit of Measure
Access Channel Termination LNVX5 Central office termination at the telephone side of the local loop.Total interstate traffic (including Internet traffic) on the circuit(s) must constitute 10% or less of the total traffic.  $ 1,350.00  $2,629.13  Per Channel
Mid Span Repeater port VU4X5 May be required to extend the distance limitation;The Nortel platform now allows for up to 13 repeaters (regenerating equipment) in a single circuit path.   N/A   $  599.63  per port
This means the approximate maximum end-to-end distance of a GigaMAN® circuit can now be ~ 350 miles.In all regions, the additional repeater option is a tariffed product.
NOTE: the term “mid span” repeater has been discontinued because the Nortel platform allows for multiple repeaters in the circuit path. “Mid span” implies that only one repeater is allowed in a single circuit path. 
We provide the first repeater as part of the basic service (i.e., the gateway); additional repeaters beyond the first incur the additional repeater rate element.
While “repeater” is the term historically used with GigaMAN, and is the tariff name of that product element, this function is more accurately described (and understood in the industry) as “regenerator.”
Mileage 1L5X3 Distance sensitive fixed and variable mileage. Mileage measured as the airline mileage between the serving central offices.   N/A   $    92.25 per mile
GigaMAN Inter-Office Mileage Fixed 1L5X3 Distance sensitive fixed and variable mileage. Mileage measured as the airline mileage between the serving central offices.  $  $  184.50 channel
GigaMAN Channel Termination Diversity (Local Channel Diversity) CPAL5 Serving Wire Center to Customer Site Local Channel Diversity;Channel termination diversity (i.e., local channel diversity) provides for a transmission path between a designated customer   $                      -     $  730.31  channel
premises and the standard serving wire center that is diverse from the standard transmission path of the GigaMAN service.
With this arrangement, a channel termination will be provisioned over the standard route and another channel termination will be provisioned over the diverse route, both utilizing the same serving wire center. Channel termination diversity
(i.e., local channel diversity) does not provide for full diversity of the GigaMAN service. It provides diversity from the splice point closest to the customer's property line.Customers requiring full diversity must use special construction.
GigaMAN Alternate Wire Center Diversity CPAA5 Local Termination to Alternate Serving Wire Center;We offer Alternate Wire Center Diversity on the channel termination only and may be applicable to one or both channel terminations of a GigaMAN service.

  $                      -     $1,168.50  channel
Alternate Wire Center Diversity provides for a transmission path from the customers designated premises through a serving wire center that is not the customer's standard serving wire center.
AT&T will select the closest alternate wire center to the customer's premises. Alternate Wire Center Diversity does not provide full diversity of the GigaMAN service.Customers requiring full diversity must use special construction.
GigaMAN Inter-Wire Center Diversity CPAT5 Diversity between Wire Centers;Inter-Wire Center Diversity applies to GigaMAN service that requires more than one serving wire center to provide the transmission path between the customer premises.

  $                      -     $  486.88  channel
Inter-Wire Center Diversity provides for a transmission path that is not the standard transmission path between the serving wire
centers of a GigaMAN service. AT&T will select the closest diverse serving wire centers to the customer's premises for the Inter-Wire Center Diversity.
Inter-Wire Center Diversity does not provide for full diversity of the GigaMAN service. It provides a diverse route between serving wire centers.Customers requiring full diversity must use special construction