Table is intended to show performance enhancement of switch ASICs -- arranged chronologically by announcement date. Cisco announces their new silicon along with its first products while merchant silicon manufacturers announce new ASICs perhaps a year before their customers are ready to ship first products. Where buffer is shown with a multiplier, the ASIC design is segmented into slices. Total packet buffer is the product of the numbers in the buffer column but only the segment amount is available to any one output port.

ASICAnnounced buffer Geometry Sw BW
Cisco Cat3550Dec 2001 2 Mbyte 8.8 Gb/s
HP Procurve ASICMar 20030.5 Mbyte 48 Gb/s
Broadcom BCM56314Mar 20070.75 Mbyte 48 Gb/s
Broadcom Trident+Mar 20109 Mbyte 40 nM 0.64 Tb/s
Broadcom Trident IIAug 201212 Mbyte 40 nM 1.28 Tb/s
Cisco AlgoboostSep 201218 Mbyte 480 Gb/s
Cisco UADP 1.0Jan 20136 Mbyte 36 nM 56 Gb/s
Cavium XpliantSep 201424 Mbyte 28 nM3.2 Tbps
Broadcom TomahawkSep 20144 x 4 Mbyte 28 nM3.2 Tbps
Broadcom Trident II+Apr 201516 Mbyte 28 nM 1.28 Tb/s
Mellanox SpectrumJune 201516 Mbyte 28 nM 6.4 Tbps
Ciso Nexus LSEMar 20162 x 20 Mbyte 16 nM 3.6 Tbps
Barefoot TofinoJune 201622 Mbyte 16 nM 6.4 Tbps
Broadcom Tomahawk-IIOct 20164 x 10.5 Mbyte 16 nM6.4 Tbps
Innovium Teralynx 7Mar 201770 Mbyte 16 nM12.8 Tbps
Broadcom Trident IIIJune 201732 Mbyte 16 nM3.2 Tbps
Cisco UADP 2.0June 20172 x 16 Mbyte 28 nM240 Gb/s
Mellanox Spectrum2July 201742 Mbyte 16 nM6.4 Tb/s
Broadcom Tomahawk-3Dec 201764 Mbyte 16 nM12.8 Tbps
Cisco UADP 3.0Mar 201836 Mbyte 16 nM1.6 Tbps
Intel Tofino2Dec 201864 Mbyte 7 nM 12.4 Tbps
Broadcom Trident 4June 2019132 Mbyte 7 nM 25.6 Tbps
Broadcom Tomahawk 4Dec 2019116 Mbyte 7 nM 25.6 Tbps
Cisco One Q100Dec 2019 HBM 16 nM 10.8 Tbps
Nvidia/Mellanox Spectrum3Mar 202064 Mbyte 16 nM12.8 Tbps
Innovium Terelynx 8May 2020170 Mbyte 7 nM25.6 Tbps
Cisco Nexus GX2BJune 20202 x 50 Mbyte 7 nM25.6 Tbps
Cisco Nexus GX2AJune 20204 x 25 Mbyte 7 nM25.6 Tbps

Another way to look at this is in From that reference, the history of device fabrication is:
10000 nm1971
6000 nm1974
3000 nm 1977
1500 nm 1981
1000 nm 1984
800 nm 1987
600 nm 1990
350 nm 1993
250 nm 1996
180 nm 1999
130 nm 2001
90 nm 2003
65 nm 2005
45 nm 2007
32 nm 2009
22 nm 2012
14 nm 2014
10 nm 2016
7 nm 2018
5 nm 2020