We have left 9 lectures Feb 12, 19, 24, 26 and mar 3, 5 10 12 and 17 Plan: 2/12: Integration pairing. Define singular homology and thus cohomology by duality. The deRham isomorphism. A bit of Hodge theory, time permitting 2/19 and 24. Frobenius, the dual version. Chow, the dual version. A bit of EDS 2/26. Homogeneous space intro. G acts transitively on M $\implies$ M = G/H A few examples: spheres, projective space, Grassmannians, hyperbolic space. The space forms 3/3 and 3/5. Structure equations: for surfaces. For curves. For Riemannian manifolds. Perhaps for submanifolds. Cartan's lemma. The frame bundle. 3/10 and 3/12: beginning Riemannian geometry 3/17: how this course relates to my work.