Suggested HW for week 5 and 6: Feb 5 to 16
From problems at the end of section 6.1 (so p.126-9).
Specific suggested problems are: 4, 7, 13, 19, 24, and 34.
Answers are in an Appendix, see p. 11-12.

Regarding graphing [ official text section 4.6]
Do the following problems from chapter 5 of: this text (marked on our web-page as `to-the-point')
PROBLEMS preceded by a *, as in ``*1'' are particularly important and should be considered as priorities
5.1 : 15, *16
5.2: 4,8, 12, *17
54: 7,11,13
5.5: *1, 2, *5, 7, *9, *22, 23, 27