Intertidal Invertebrates of the Monterey Bay Area, California

Compiled & photographed by Gary McDonald, Long Marine Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz

Hancockia californica MacFarland, 1923
Hancock's Nudibranch
Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia: Dendronotina: Hancockiidae
Geographic Range: Fort Bragg, Mendocino Co., CA, to Costa Rica. Synonyms:
Back to: Dendronotina Back to: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Monterey Bay Area
Carmel Pt., Monterey Co., CA; 5 June 2008; 8mm total length.

Description: Ground color reddish-brown, varying from light to dark in different individuals, occasional individuals (especially young) may be greenish to greenish-brown. Red, red-brown, and yellow blotches, occur on body. Cerata palmate distally, with 4-16 digitiform processes arranged in a horseshoe shape; the larger digitiform processes may bear numerous, nodular tuberosities. Cerata occur in 4-7 pairs, the first pair opposite, those on right side successively more posterior such that posterior pairs are alternate. The convex, dorsal sides of cerata bear oval patches of white. Anterior margin of body bears, on either side, a broad, palmate, velar lobe with 6-10 or more unequal, digitiform processes. Rhinophores colored as body, with 6-8 vertical lamellae.
Size: Typically about 10mm in length.
Notes: Relatively rare in intertidal, but occasionally found in numbers on kelp, amongst hydroids upon which it feeds.

Carmel Pt., Monterey Co., CA; 5 June 2008; 8mm total length. Close-up of rhinophore & velar lobe.
Carmel Pt., Monterey Co., CA; 5 June 2008; 8mm total length. Close-up of cerata.
Asilomar, Monterey Co., CA; 5 Jun 1973; 9mm total length.
Asilomar, Monterey Co., CA; 5 Jun 1973; 14mm total length.

Asilomar, Monterey Co., CA; 3 Nov 1971.
Great Tidepool, Monterey Co., CA; 21 July 1978; 14mm total length.
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA; 2 Jul 1987.
Asilomar, Monterey Co., CA; 9 Aug 1972; 5mm total length.
Black Pt., Santa Cruz Co., CA; 7 Jul 1987.

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