Intertidal Invertebrates of the Monterey Bay Area, California

Compiled & photographed by Gary McDonald, Long Marine Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz

Hallaxa chani Gosliner & Williams, 1975               
Chan's Dorid
Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia: Doridina: Eudoridoidea: Actinocyclidae
Geographic Range: Grant Is., Ketchikan, AK, to San Miguel Is, CA. Synonyms:
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Sand Dollar Beach, Monterey Co., CA; 6 Mar 2009; ~28mm total length; Jeff Goddard.

Description: Ground color light lemon yellow, varying from dull greyish-yellow in small individuals to richer yellow in larger specimens. Dorsum with obvious tubercles of various sizes, and bearing numerous reddish-brown flecks of various sizes and is somewhat darker medially; an irregular series of larger, dark brown spots occurs medially, anterior of branchial plumes. Rhinophores pale yellow with brownish-maroon (sometimes faint) distally, with 8-13 lamellae. Branchial plumes 11-15, unipinnate, translucent yellowish-white with small reddish-maroon spots near base of each plume, rather vertical when fully extended. May be distinguished from Cadlina modesta which has no (or very tiny) tubercles on dorsum, and distinct yellow dots laterally on dorsum; and from Cadlina sparsa which has very small tubercles, and distinct dark dots with yellow centers laterally on dorsum; and from both of these whose branchial plumes are more spreading when fully extended.
Size:Typically about 20mm in length, but may reach 30mm.
Notes: Feeds on the sponge Halisarca sp.

Sand Dollar Beach, Monterey Co., CA; 6 Mar 2009; ~28mm total length; Jeff Goddard. Close-up of rhinophore.
Sand Dollar Beach, Monterey Co., CA; 27 May 2009; 16mm total length; Brenna Green.
Scott Cr., Santa Cruz Co., CA; 12 Nov 1977; 17mm total length.
Pirate's Cove, San Luis Obispo Co., CA; 11 July 1972; 25mm total length.
Scott Cr., Santa Cruz Co., CA; 12 Nov 1977; 17mm total length.

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