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Liting Hu

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California Santa Cruz. I lead the Experimental and Virtualized Systems (ELVES) Research Lab.

Email: liting at ucsc.edu
Mail: Engineering 2, Room 239B
1156 High St
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Full CV Google Scholar DBLP

I have multiple openings for Ph.D. students (starting in Fall 2025). If you are interested in building systems, feel free to contact me!


  • July 2024: I serve as the PC committee at SoCC 2024. Please consider submitting your work.
  • September 2023: I serve as the PC committee at USENIX ATC 2024. Please consider submitting your work.
  • September 2023: Our work on federated learning systems got accepted to EuroSys 2024!
  • August 2023: I am thrilled to announce that a Lead PI grant is awarded from NSF CNS to support my research on serverless edge computing systems ($600K). Thank you NSF!
  • January 2023: I serve as the PC committee at ICS 2023. Please consider submitting your work.
  • December 2022: I serve as the PC committee at USENIX ATC 2023. Please consider submitting your work.
  • June 2022: I am thrilled to announce that a Sole PI grant is awarded from NSF OAC to support my research on container orchestration systems ($320K). Thank you NSF!
  • June 2022: I serve as the Finance Chair and the PC committee at SoCC 2022. Please consider submitting your work.
  • April 2022: Our work on ultra-low latency SSDs got accepted to ICS 2022!
  • December 2021: I am grateful to receive the Meta Faculty Research Award as Sole PI. Thank you Meta!
  • December 2021: I serve as the PC committee at VEE 2022 and ICS 2022. Please consider submitting your work.
  • April 2021: Our work on edge stream processing systems got accepted to USENIX ATC 2021!
  • April 2021: My second Ph.D. student Pinchao Liu graduates and joins Meta as a research scientist. Congratulations, Pinchao!
  • December 2020: I am grateful to receive the FIU Faculty Award for Excellence in Fundamental Research.
  • November 2020: I serve as the Program Vice Co-Chair for the Distributed Operating Systems and Middleware track in ICDCS 2021. Please consider submitting your work.
  • September 2020: Our work on failure recovery mechanism for stream processing systems got accepted to ACM/IFIP Middleware 2020.
  • August 2020: My research on stream processing systems is featured on FIU News.
  • June 2020: I am thrilled to announce that I receive the NSF CAREER Award from the Computer Systems Research program in the Division of Computer and Network Systems! Thanks for NSF’s tremendous support!
  • April 2020: My first Ph.D. student Hailu Xu graduates and joins California State University Long Beach as a tenure-track assistant professor. Congratulations, Hailu!
  • February 2020: I am grateful to receive the Cyber Florida Collaborative Seed Award as Lead PI.
  • February 2020: I serve as the PC committee at HotEdge 2020. Please consider submitting your work.
  • December 2019: Our work on stateful stream processing systems got accepted to IPDPS 2020.
  • July 2019: I am thrilled to announce that a Lead PI grant is awarded from NSF SPX to support my research on stateful stream processing systems ($550K). Thank you NSF!
  • June 2019: A Co-PI grant is awarded from LYRASIS to support my research on AI ($25K).
  • May 2019: Our work on spam detection systems received the Best Student Paper Award at Cloud 2019. Congratulations, Hailu!
  • January 2019: I serve as the PC committee at USENIX ATC 2019. Please consider submitting your work.
  • October 2018: I serve as the PC committee at IPDPS 2019. Please consider submitting your work.
  • April 2018: We have two research papers accepted to Cloud 2018.
  • August 2017: A Co-PI grant is awarded from DHS ($1200K).

  • Brief Bio

    Dr. Liting Hu is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California Santa Cruz. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016, advised by Professor Karsten Schwan; and her bachelor degree in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2007. Prior to joining UCSC, she was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech from 2021 to 2022 and an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Florida International University from 2017 to 2021.

    During her Ph.D. study, Liting has been fortunate to intern at different research labs and learn from many remarkable researchers. She spent the summer of 2015 at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center working with Shu Tao, Hui Kang and Michael V. Le. She spent the summer of 2013 at Intel Science & Technology Center for Cloud Computing, Carnegie Mellon University working with Michael Kozuch. She spent the summer of 2012 at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center working with Dilma Da Silva and Kyung Ryu. She spent the fall of 2011 at Microsoft Research Asia working with Zhenyu Guo. She spent the summer of 2010 at VMware working with Ajay Gulati.

    Liting’s research interests are in experimental computer systems, including stream processing systems, cloud and edge computing, distributed systems, systems virtualization. Her latest interests focus on building next-generation large-scale stream processing systems for the cloud and the edge. Her work has appeared in top systems venues like USENIX ATC, EuroSys, ICS, Middleware, IPDPS, ICDCS, HPDC, ICAC, TPDS, SIGOPS. Her research is gratefully supported by NSF, Department of Homeland Security, as well as a few more industry and university grants. She has received many research awards and scholarships, including an NSF CAREER Award, a Meta Faculty Research Award, and a Cyber Florida Seed Award.

    Research Interests

    I lead the Experimental and Virtualized Systems (ELVES) Research Lab, which conducts Experimental Computer Systems research in the areas of Stream Processing Systems , Cloud and Edge Computing , Distributed Systems , and Systems Virtualization . Examples include stream processing systems (with Spark Streaming, Storm, Flink), identifying threats (e.g., fake news, rumors, social bots) in online social networks, federated learning systems, container as a service (with Docker and Kubernetes), and resource management in large-scale data centers (with Xen and KVM).

    See some of my recent projects for more details about my background and expertise:

  • Stream Processing Systems: DART, SR3, FP4S, Governor, ELF, Project Hoover, SpamHunter, Oases
  • Distributed and Parallel Systems for Machine Learning: Totoro, Max Orientation Coverage, dpSmart, XPlacer
  • Systems Virtualization: Docman, Net-Cohort, Look Who’s Talking, Live Migration of VMs
  • Resource Management in Large-Scale Data Centers: RBay, v-Bundle, Monalytics, Magnet

  • Selected Awards and Grants

    2023 NSF CNS Small Grant (Lead PI)
    2022 NSF OAC Grant (Sole PI)
    2021 Meta Faculty Research Award (Sole PI)
    2021 Outstanding Service Award of IEEE ACSOS
    2020 NSF CAREER Award (Sole PI)
    2020 FIU Faculty Award for Excellence in Fundamental Research
    2020 Cyber Florida Collaborative Seed Award (Lead PI)
    2019 NSF SPX Grant (Lead PI)


    Students advised by me are identified by "*"

    1. Conference Papers

    [EuroSys'24] Cheng-Wei Ching*, Xin Chen, Taehwan Kim*, Bo Ji, Qingyang Wang, Dilma Da Silva, Liting Hu, “ Totoro: A Scalable Federated Learning Engine for the Edge”, in Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys'24), Athens, Greece, April 2024. Acceptance Rate: 39/244 = 16.0%.

    [Middleware'23] Jianshu Liu, Qingyang Wang, Shungeng Zhang, Liting Hu, Dilma Da Silva, “ Sora: A Latency Sensitive Approach for Microservice Soft Resource Adaption”, in Proceedings of the 36th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (Middleware'23), Bologna, Italy, December 2023. Best Paper Award

    [ICS'22] Mingzhe Liu, Haikun Liu, Chencheng Ye, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Yu Zhang, Ran Zheng, Liting Hu, “ Towards Low-Latency I/O Services for Mixed Workloads Using Ultra-Low Latency SSDs”, in Proceedings of the 36th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'22), virtual event, June 2022.

    [USENIX ATC'21] Pinchao Liu*, Dilma Da Silva, Liting Hu, “ DART: A Scalable and Adaptive Edge Stream Processing Engine”, in Proceedings of the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'21), virtual event, July 2021. Acceptance Rate: 64/341 = 18.8%.

    [Middleware'20] Hailu Xu*, Pinchao Liu*, Susana Cruz-Diaz*, Dilma Da Silva, Liting Hu, “ SR3: Customizable Recovery for Stateful Stream Processing Systems”, in Proceedings of ACM/IFIP Middleware 2020 (Middleware'20), virtual event, December 2020.

    [IROS'20] Xin Chen, Thomas M. Tucker, Thomas R. Kurfess, Richard W. Vuduc, Liting Hu, “ Max Orientation Coverage: Efficient Path Planning to Avoid Collisions in the CNC Milling of 3D Objects”, in 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'20), virtual event, October 2020.

    [IPDPS'20] Pinchao Liu*, Hailu Xu*, Dilma Da Silva, Qingyang Wang, Sarker Tanzir Ahmed, Liting Hu, “ FP4S: Fragment-based Parallel State Recovery for Stateful Stream Applications”, in Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'20), virtual event, May 2020.

    [Big Data Congress'19] Boyuan Guan*, Pinchao Liu*, Hailu Xu*, Jennifer Fu, Qingyang Wang, Liting Hu, “ dpSmart: A Flexible Group Based Recommendation Framework for Digital Repository Systems”, in Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress on Big Data (Big Data Congress'19), Milan, Italy, July 2019.

    [Cloud'19] Hailu Xu*, Pinchao Liu*, Boyuan Guan*, Liting Hu, “ Exploiting the Spam Correlations in Scalable Online Social Spam Detection”, in Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'19), San Diego, CA, June 2019. Best Student Paper Award

    [IDCIS'19] Pinchao Liu*, Adnan Maruf, Farzana Beente Yusuf, Labiba Jahan, Hailu Xu*, Boyuan Guan*, Liting Hu, Sitharama S. Iyengar, “ Towards Adaptive Replication for Hot/Cold Blocks in HDFS using MemCached”, in 2019 2nd International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS), South Padre Island, TX, June 2019.

    [Cloud'18] Pinchao Liu*, Hailu Xu*, Zhiyuan Shi*, Jason Liu, Qingyang Wang, Jai Dayal, Yuzhe Tang, Liting Hu, “ A Toolset for Detecting Containerized Application's Dependencies in CaaS Clouds”, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'18), San Francisco, CA, July 2018.

    [Cloud'18] Hailu Xu*, Pinchao Liu*, Yao Xiao, Wentao Wang, Jai Dayal, Qingyang Wang, Yuzhe Tang, Liting Hu, “ Oases: An Online Scalable Spam Detection System for Social Networks”, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'18), San Francisco, CA, July 2018.

    [ICAC'17] Xin Chen, Ymir Vigfusson, Douglas M. Blough, Fang Zheng, Kun-Lung Wu, Liting Hu, “ GOVERNOR: Smoother Stream Processing Through Smarter Backpressure”, in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'17), Columbus, Ohio, July 2017.

    [Cloud'17] Xin Chen*, Liangqi Liu*, Jing Chang*, Diana Leante Bone*, Liting Hu, “ Breaking Down Hadoop Distributed File Systems Data Analytics Tools: Apache Hive vs. Apache Pig vs. Pivotal HWAQ”, in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'17), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2017.

    [ICDCS'17] Xin Chen*, Liting Hu, Douglas M. Blough, Michael A. Kozuch, Matthew Wolf, “ RBAY: A Scalable and Extensible Information Plane for Federating Distributed Datacenter Resources”, in Proceedings of the 37nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'17), Atlanta, GA, June 2017.

    [USENIX ATC'14] Liting Hu, Karsten Schwan, Hrishikesh Amur, Xin Chen, “ ELF: Efficient Lightweight Fast Stream Processing at Scale”, in Proceedings of the 2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'14), Philadelphia, PA, June 2014. Acceptance rate: 36/241=14.9%.

    [ICAC'12] Liting Hu, Karsten Schwan, Ajay Gulati, Junjie Zhang, Chengwei Wang, “ Net-Cohort: Detecting and Managing VM Ensembles in Data Center Systems”, in Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'12), New York, NY, September 2012.

    [ICDCS'12] Liting Hu, Kyung Dong Ryu, Dilma Da Silva, Karsten Schwan, “ v-Bundle: Flexible Group Resource Offerings in Clouds”, in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'12), Macau, China, June 2012.

    [ICAC'11] Chengwei Wang, Karsten Schwan, Vanish Talwar, Greg Eisenhauer, Liting Hu, Matthew Wolf, “ A Flexible Architecture Integrating Monitoring and Analytics for Managing Large-Scale Data Centers”, in Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'11), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2011.

    [HPDC'09] Haikun Liu, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Liting Hu, Chen Yu, “ Live Migration of Virtual Machine Based on Execution Trace and Deterministic Replay”, in Proceedings of the 18th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'09), Munich, Germany, June 2009.

    [Cluster'08] Liting Hu, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Xianjie Xiong, Haikun Liu, “ Magnet: A Novel Scheduling Policy for Power Reduction in Cluster with Virtual Machines”, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster'08), Tsukuba, Japan, September 2008.

    2. Journal Articles

    [TPDS] Hailu Xu*, Pinchao Liu*, Sarker Tanzir Ahmed, Dilma Da Silva, Liting Hu, “ Adaptive Fragment-based Parallel State Recovery for Stream Processing Systems”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 2464-2478, August 2023.

    [IEEE Access] Hailu Xu*, Pinchao Liu*, Boyuan Guan*, Qingyang Wang, Dilma Da Silva, Liting Hu, “ Online and Scalable Information Integrity by Harnessing Social Spam Correlations”, in IEEE Access (IEEE Access), vol. 11, pp. 7768-7781, January 2023.

    [IEEE Access] Hailu Xu*, Pei-Hung Lin, Murali Emani, Liting Hu, Chunhua Liao, “ XUnified: A Framework for Guiding Optimal Use of GPU Unified Memory”, in IEEE Access (IEEE Access), vol. 10, pp. 82614-82625, August 2022.

    [TPDS] Shungeng Zhang, Qingyang Wang, Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Huasong Shan, Liting Hu, “ The Impact of Event Processing Flow on Asynchronous Server Efficiency”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 565-579, March 2020.

    [ETSS] Yuzhe Tang, Kai Li, Katchaguy Areekijseree, Shuigeng Zhou, Liting Hu, “ Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Directory Services”, in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety, January 2019.

    [TPDS] Qingyang Wang, Hui Chen, Shungeng Zhang, Liting Hu, Balaji Palanisamy, “ Integrating Concurrency Control in n-Tier Application Scaling Management in the Cloud”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 855-869, April 2019.

    [SIGOPS] Chengwei Wang, Soila P. Kavulya, Jiaqi Tan, Liting Hu, Mahendra Kutare, Mike Kasick, Karsten Schwan, Priya Narasimhan, Rajeev Gandhi, “ Performance Troubleshooting in Data Centers: An Annotated Bibliography”, in ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 50-62, December 2013.

    [Cluster Computing] Xiaofei Liao, Liting Hu, Hai Jin, “ Energy Optimization Schemes in Cluster with Virtual Machines”, in Cluster Computing, vol. 13, no. 2, pp 113-126, June 2010.

    [Concurrency&Computation] Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Liting Hu, Haikun Liu, “ Towards Virtualized Desktop Environment”, in IEEE Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 22, no. 4, pp 419-440, March 2010.

    3. Workshop Papers

    [APSys'24] Liting Hu, Xin Chen, Manoj Prabhakar Paidiparthy*, “Toward an Edge-Friendly Distributed Object Store for Serverless Functions”, in Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys'24), Kyoto, Japan, September 2024.

    [ICDPR'24] Cheng-Wei Ching*, Liting Hu, “ Decaffe: DHT Tree-Based Online Federated Fake News Detection”, in conjunction with 2024 8th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CCEAI'24), Shanghai, China, January 2024. Best Presentation Award

    [ECAI'23] Cheng-Wei Ching*, Chirag Gupta*, Zi Huang*, Liting Hu, “ An IoT-Edge Orchestrated Online Deep Compressed Sensing Framework”, in 2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshop (ICDCSW) on Edge-to-Cloud AI Orchestration (ECAI'23), Hong Kong, China, July 2023.

    [MCHPC'19] Hailu Xu*, Murali Emani, Pei-Hung Lin, Liting Hu, Chunhua Liao, “ Machine Learning Guided Optimal Use of GPU Unified Memory”, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing, in conjunction with SC 19 (MCHPC'19), Denver, CO, November 2019.

    [BSMDMA'18] Hailu Xu*, Boyuan Guan*, Pinchao Liu*, William Escudero*, Liting Hu, “ Harnessing the Nature of Spam in Scalable Online Social Spam Detection”, in Proceedings of the 2018 International Workshop on Big Social Media Data Management and Analysis, in conjunction with IEEE Big Data (BSMDMA'18), Seattle, WA, December 2018.

    [MBDS'12] Rajalakshmi Ramesh, Liting Hu, Karsten Schwan, “ Project Hoover: Auto-Scaling Streaming Map-Reduce Applications”, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Management of Big Data Systems, in conjunction with ACM ICAC’12 (MBDS'12), New York, NY, September 2012.

    [HotCloud'10] Renuka Apte, Liting Hu, Arpan Ghosh, Karsten Schwan, “ Look Who’s Talking: Discovering Dependencies between Virtual Machines Using CPU Utilization”, in Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud'10), Boston, MA, June 2010.

    [SVM'08] Xiaofei Liao, Xianjie Xiong, Hai Jin, Liting Hu, “ LVD: A Lightweight Virtual Desktop Management Architecture”, in International Workshop on Systems and Virtualization Management (VM'08), Springer, Munich, Germany, October 2008.

    Research Group

    Ph.D. Students (Primary Advisor)

    Cheng-Wei Ching (Summer 2022 - present)
    Chaeeun Kim (Fall 2023 - present) Co-advised with Dr. Chen Qian
    Boyuan Guan (Fall 2018 - Fall 2022) First Job Tech Lead and Lead Developer of the FIU Library
    Pinchao Liu (Fall 2017 - Fall 2021) First Job Research Scientist at Meta
    Hailu Xu (Fall 2016 - Fall 2020) First Job Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Science at California State University, Long Beach

    Master Students (Primary Advisor)

    Amogh Madanayakanahalli Kumar (M.S. 2024) First Job Software Engineer at Nutanix
    Chirag Gupta (M.S. 2023) First Job Software Engineer at Principal Financial Group
    Chenjie Gao (M.S. 2023)
    Manoj Prabhakar Paidiparthy (M.S. 2023) First Job Software Engineer at Microsoft
    Junyi Yu (M.S. 2023) First Job Software Engineer at Flexport
    Taehwan Kim (M.S. 2022) First Job Software Engineer at Google

    Undergraduates (Primary Advisor)

    Zi Huang (B.S. 2023, Currently pursuing a Master’s degree at USC)
    Brennan Hurst (B.S. 2022, First Job Software Engineer at Hurdlr)
    Ulises Fernandez (B.S. 2021) First Job Software Engineer at Deloitte
    Rebecca Dupuis (B.S. 2021) First Job Software Engineer at Microsoft
    Susana Cruz Diaz (B.S. 2020) First Job Software Engineer Associate at Lockheed Martin
    William Escudero (B.S. 2019) First Job Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase & Co


    Spring 2024 CSE 130 Principles of Computer Systems Design @ UCSC
    Spring 2024 CSE 293 Advanced Topics in Stream Processing Systems @ UCSC
    Fall 2023 CSE 138 Distributed Systems @ UCSC
    Spring 2023 CSE 130 Principles of Computer Systems Design @ UCSC
    Winter 2023 CSE 293 Advanced Topics in Stream Processing Systems @ UCSC
    Spring 2022 CS 3204 Computer Systems @ VT
    Fall 2020 COP 5614 Operating Systems @ FIU
    Spring 2020 COP 4610 Operating Systems Principles @ FIU
    Spring 2019 COP 4610 Operating Systems Principles @ FIU
    Fall 2018 COP 5614 Operating Systems @ FIU
    Spring 2018 COP 4610 Operating Systems Principles @ FIU
    Fall 2017 COP 5614 Operating Systems

    Professional Services

    Journal Editorship

  • Editor, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2021 - present

  • Organizing Committee

  • Finance Chair, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), 2022
  • Program Vice Co-Chair (distributed operating systems and middleware track), the 41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2021

  • Program Committee

  • USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), 2019, 2023, 2024
  • ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2022, 2023
  • ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), 2022, 2024
  • IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2019
  • ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (Middleware), 2024
  • ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), 2022
  • International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), 2022
  • USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge), 2020
  • International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS), 2017, 2018, 2020
  • IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress), 2018, 2019
  • IEEE International Conference on Smart Data (SmartData), 2019
  • International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies (ICIIT), 2018
  • International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), 2017
  • International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud), 2017
  • International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), 2016

  • Journal Review

  • IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023
  • IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2019, 2020
  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2020
  • IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2020
  • ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2020
  • IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2019
  • International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018
  • IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2017
  • IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2016

  • Diversity Activities

  • UCSC Department Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Chair, 2024
  • Organizing Chair for C-Tech2 Summer Workshop - “Sound the Alarm”, 2022
  • Organizing Chair for C-Tech2 Summer Workshop - “Proximity Sensor”, 2022
  • Organizing Chair for C-Tech2 Summer Workshop - “LED lights”, 2022
  • Organizing Committee for Nelms Women in IoT (WiT) Workshop, 2020

  • School Coordinator

  • Graduate Student Seminar Series, 2020
  • Graduate Student Seminar Series, 2019
  • Graduate Student Seminar Series, 2018
  • Graduate Student Seminar Series, 2017

  • Last Updated May 1, 2024