Web sites of interest (the list will grow during class) Please email Kip with additional useful sites.  Please submit the full URL and write a short annotation for the site.


www.iste.org/  International Society for Technology in Education

ctap.k12.ca.us/ California Technology Action Project.  

www.unitedstreaming.com  United Streaming—limited video on demand for teachers, needs password.  

www.4teachers.org  Very useful site for teachers, includes a great rubric generator.  

http://www.memphis-schools.k12.tn.us/admin/tlapages/on-line.htm Help using Powerpoint and other software packages.  

http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmah/techhistory.htm Smithsonian Institute’s History of Technology site. 

www.kidsdomain.com  Site for shareware, demos, of kids stuff.

http://www.elica.net/ site for Logo and other free thinking games

http://www.mathsnet.net/logo/turtlelogo/index.html Another logo site.  

http://asijonline.net/ep/logo/logo_com.htm  Logo Commands

http://www.askeric.org/Virtual/Lessons/  Your favorite giant educational database with a decent lesson archive.

www.field-trips.org  Site for virtual field trips. 

http://www.edwebproject.org/lists.html  a list of a bunch of educational listservs, most are moderated. 

http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/    Kathy Schrok's guide for educators.  Who is Kathy Schrock?  I have no idea.  A big site with lots of resources indexed

www.nwrel.org/sky/  Northwest Regional Labs.  Good index of education sites.  No Ads on the main pages!

www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/  Good index

www.superkids.com  reviews of kid software.  All kid software, some educational, some not.