Dear ED220ers,

A few items to share

1. Schedule, class locations, and due dates for rest of quarter.

TU section 10/29 Ming Ong

TH section 10/31 Independent assignment, see below

TU section 11/ 5 Stevenson 175

TH section 11/7 Stevenson 175

TU section 11/12 Ming Ong Software Reviews due (paper copies only).

TH section 11/14 Ming Ong Software Reviews due (paper copies only).

TU section 11/19 Ming Ong Web page due (please submit URL via email, must include 220Web-Fall02 in subject line and be sure to place your name in the text of the message). Comments returned to the originating email address.

TH section 11/21 Ming Ong Web page due (please submit URL via email, must include 220Web-Fall02 in subject line and be sure to place your name in the text of the message). Comments returned to the originating email address.

BOTH TU and TH sections 11/26 Stevenson 175 (Last day of class) 1. Spreadsheet application due (paper copy) 2. Book summary due (paper copy) 3. Course challenge materials due (paper copy) 4. Hypermedia project due (please send as attachment via email, must include 220Hypermedia-Fall02 in the subject line and be sure to place the names of your group-if applicable-in the text of the message). These assignments and my comments will be available for pick up in my office from 1/7/03 to 1/31/02 during my scheduled office hours. Any work not picked up by 500 pm on 1/31/03 will be discarded.

**** If you need more time or more help, you can turn in your work as late as 12/5. I will be holding open office hours on 12/2 (all day) and 12/4 (afternoon only) ****



2. Directions for downloading Netscape 4.77. If you do not have Netscape on your home machine, or would like to use it on a machine at your school site, the download process is fairly easy and, of course, free. These directions are unnecessary if you simply wish to go to and download the latest (giant, bloated, popup laden) version. The earlier versions (e.g., 4.77) have the same functions, use much less memory (both hard drive space and RAM) making them a far better option for the older computers we often find in elementary classrooms.

Open Internet Explorer, use the open option under file, type in the following URL. ftp// You'll notice that instead of http (hyper text transfer protocol), you are using ftp (file transfer protocol). You'll see a list of folders (directories), choose "pub" , then "communicator" , then "english" , then "4.77". After this you'll need to follow the links that apply to your platform (Windows or Mac). You'll click through a few more folders until you get to the "complete install" file (for windows, the file is "cc32d477.exe"). Download this file (it may take half an hour or so over a modem connection) and open. Netscape Communicator will install. That's it. You'll have Netscape Navigator and Composer.

By the way, all versions of Netscape come with a fairly useful help index.


3. On the suggestion of a few of you, I have developed a single web page for links of interest to teachers using technology. You'll find a link near the top of the syllabus page. However, I need your help. Please send me the URL and a short annotation for sites you come across that you have found particularly useful. I'll be adding some, but more is better.



Individually completed assignment for TH Section, in place of an organized class meeting on 10/31.

Paul Gorski has written three pieces on the digital divide.

Understanding the Digital Divide The divide from a multicultural framework

The Digital Divide Reframed Model emerging from the above essay

Digital Divide A 2000 Fact Sheet

You can find them here http//

Please read these works and consider the following

1. Which of Gorski’s statements is most problematic for you?

2. Is it possible for schools to address the digital divide without additional funding or resources? If so, how?

3. What evidence have you seen of the digital divide and does it correspond with Gorski’s position?

Please jot down your responses and be prepared to share them in class.



Kip Tellez

Associate Professor

Education Department

University of California, Santa Cruz

Crown College 229

1156 High Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95064

V 831.459.2208

F 831.459.4618