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Note: this assignment is for students in Group I only.

Due Thurs., Nov. 10.

As explained on the syllabus, the assignment is due by e-mail to the instructor. You may send it at any time on the due date (i.e., up to midnight, if you want to be precise).

Please respond to the following in two pages or less (double spaced). (Needless to say this should be your own original work.)

Briefly explain: (a) in what sense the world of appearance is the appearance of essence — that is, the way essence taken immediately (Essence as the Ground of Existence) manifests itself, “shines” forth; (b) in what sense the world of appearance is not the appearance of anything; (c) in what sense the world of appearance is the appearance of actuality (of the actual) — the way it first appears on the scene, so to speak. For all three of these you may find helpful the Addition (Zusatz) to § 131: for (a) especially towards the beginning; for (b) and (c) especially the paragraph about Kant near the bottom of p. 200. For (c) you may want to compare the “mutual externality” (Außereinander) of the world of appearance (§133, p. 201) with the kind of relationships which will be discussed under Actuality, e.g. cause and effect.

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Abe Stone 2011-12-05