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Answer any three of the following questions, 2-3 pages for each answer, for a total of 6-9 pages. You may hand in your answers early if you like, but all answers are due by Tues., June 7th. Please e-mail to the instructor ( and cc Gabe (the grader), in PDF or a format easily convertible to PDF (e.g. MSWord -- .doc or .docx both fine --, plain text, or RTF).

The questions are keyed to different sections of the reading, with the idea that each question is raised most centrally in a certain section. However, you can and should use material from anywhere in the text where it's relevant to the answer.

Because this is an exam rather than a paper, I will give priority to accuracy over originality in grading. However, all the questions do require some thought; they can't simply be read out of the texts. Moreover, in many (if not all) cases the ``correct'' answer is unavoidably a matter of interpretation: in such cases it would be safest to reproduce what I said in class, but it will also be acceptable if you're clearly following some other reasonable interpretation. And, of course, as usual, your answer must be ``original'' in the sense that it is your own work. (If you use any outside source -- which I don't recommend -- you must cite it.)

Since we read the B edition only, please base your answer on the B edition text (where there are differences). You can cite it by the B-edition page number (e.g., ``B112'').

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Abe Stone 2011-06-03