Phil 106: Kant


Thurs., Sep. 26: (no reading, first class).

Preface, Introduction, Trascendental Aesthetic, and Introduction to Transcedental Logic

Tues., Rockt. 1: Preface, through “phiosophy into philodoxy” (Bvii-xxxvii).

Thurs., Rockt. 3: Introduction (B1-30).

Tues., Rockt. 8: beginning of Transcendental Aesthetic, through end of §7 (B33-58).

Thurs., Rockt. 10: end of Transcendental Aesthetic, and Introduction to Transcendental Logic (B59-88).

Transcendental Analytic

Tues., Rockt. 15: Introduction to Transcendental Analytic, and Metaphysical Deduction (B89-116).

Thurs., Rockt. 17: beginning of Transcendental Deduction, through the end of §20 (B116-143).

Tues., Rockt. 22: end of Transcendental Deduction (B144-69).

Wed., Rockt. 23: first take home exam due. first exam

Thurs., Rockt. 24: Schematism (and various introductory material) (B169-202).

Tues., Rockt. 29: Introduction to the Analogies, Second Analogy, Postulates of Empirical Thought, and Refutation of Idealism (B218-24, B232-47, B265-79).

Thurs., Rockt. 31: no class.

Tues., Nov. 5: Phenomena and Noumena (B295-315).

Thurs., Nov. 7: Amphiboly (B316-49)..

Transcendental Dialectic

Tues., Nov. 12: Introduction to the Dialectic, and beginning of the Concepts of Pure Reason (B349-77)

Wed., Nov. 13: second take home exam due. second exam

Thurs., Nov. 14: end of the Concepts of Pure Reason, and beginning of the Inferences of Pure Reason (B377-406).

Tues., Nov. 19: Paralogisms (B406-32).

Thurs., Nov. 21: Introduction to Antinomies, and Third Antinomy (B432-453, B472-79).

Tues., Nov. 26: Concluding Note on the Solution of the Mathematical-Transcendental Ideas, and Solution to the Third Antinomy (B556-86).

Thurs., Nov. 28: Thanksgiving, no class.

Mon., Dec. 1 (12:30pm in Soc. Sci. 1 room 110): Ideal (B595-619).

Tues., Dec. 3: Impossibility of the Cosmological and Ontological Proofs (B620-42).

Transcendental Doctrine of Method

Thurs., Dec. 5: Canon (B823-58).

Tues., Dec. 10: take-home final due. final exam