Spontaneous Communication Laboratory
Jean E. Fox Tree, University of California Santa Cruz

Dunn, A. L. & Fox Tree, J. E. (in press). More on language mode. International Journal of Bilingualism. abstract

Blackwell, N. & Fox Tree, J. E. (2012). Social factors affect quotative choice. Journal of Pragmatics, 44, 1150-1162. abstract

Liu, K. & Fox Tree, J. E. (2012). Hedges enhance memory but inhibit retellings. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(5), 892-898. abstract

Chevalier, J. W. & Fox Tree, J. E. (2012). Using hetero-modal communication to optimize knowledge and awareness. American Journal of Psychology, 125(3), 361-368. pdf

Walker, M., Anand, P., Abbott, R., Fox Tree, J. E., Martell, C., King, J. (2012). That’s your evidence?: Classifying stance in online political and social debate. Decision Support Sciences, 53, 719-729. pdf

Walker, M., Anand, P., Fox Tree, J. E., Abbott, R., King, J. (2012). A corpus for research on deliberation and debate. Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 813-817. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E., Mayer, S. A., & Betts, T. E. (2011). Grounding in instant messaging. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45(4) 455-475. pdf

Neff, M., Toothman, N., Bowmani, R., Fox Tree, J. E. & Walker, M. (2011). Don’t scratch: Self-adaptors reflect emotional stability. In Proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA’11), LNCS. pdf

Anand, P., Walker, M., Abbott, R., Fox Tree, J. E., Bowmani, R., & Minor, M. (2011). Cats rule and dogs drool!: Classifying stance in online debate. ACL HLT Workshop on Sentiment and Subjectivity. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis, ACL-HLT 2011, pages 1–9, 24 June, 2011, Portland, Oregon: Association for Computational Linguistics. Best Paper Award. pdf

Abbott, R. Walker, M., Anand, P., Fox Tree, J.E., Bowmani, R., & King, J. (2011). How can you say such things?!?: Recognizing disagreement in informal political argument. Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011), pages 2–11, 23 June 2011, Portland, Oregon: Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf

Tomlinson, J. M., Jr. & Fox Tree, J. E.  (2011). Listeners’ comprehension of uptalk in spontaneous speech. Cognition, 119, 58-69. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (2010). Discourse markers across speakers and settings. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3(1), 1–13. pdf

Dunn, A. L. & Fox Tree, J. E. (2009). A quick, gradient Bilingual Dominance Scale. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 12(3), 273-289. copyright Cambridge University Press. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. & Mayer, S. A. (2008). Overhearing single and multiple perspectives. Discourse Processes, 45, 160-179. pdf Pease contact LEA for permission to reprint.

Fox Tree, J. E. & Tomlinson, J. M., Jr. (2008). The rise of like in spontaneous quotations. Discourse Processes, 45, 85-102. pdf Pease contact LEA for permission to reprint.

Fox Tree, J. E. (2007). Functional spontaneous speech phenomena. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, 17(2), 17-19. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (2007). Folk notions of um and uh, like, and you know. Text & Talk, 27-3, 297-314.


Fox Tree, J. E. & Weldon, M. S. (2007). Retelling urban legends. American Journal of Psychology, 120(3), 459-476. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (2006). Placing like in telling stories. Discourse Studies, 8(6), 749-770. pdf

Bryant, G. A., & Fox Tree, J. E. (2005). Is there an ironic tone of voice? Language and Speech, 48(3), 257-277. pdf can be found here

Meijer, P. J. A., & Fox Tree, J. E. (2003). Building syntactic structure in speaking: A bilingual exploration. Experimental Psychology, 50 (3), 184-195. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (2003). Disfluencies in spoken language. In Nadel, L. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Volume 1, pp. 983 - 986. London: Nature Publishing Group. Please email me for a copy.

Bryant, G. & Fox Tree, J. E. (2002). Recognizing verbal irony in spontaneous speech. Metaphor and Symbol, 17 (2), 99-117. pdf can be found here

Clark, H. H., & Fox Tree, J. E. (2002) Using uh and um in spontaneous speaking. Cognition, 84, 73-111. pdf can be found here

Fox Tree, J. E., & Schrock, J. C. (2002) Basic meanings of you know and I mean. Journal of Pragmatics, 34, 727-747. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (2002). Interpretations of pauses and ums at turn exchanges. Discourse Processes, 34 (1), 37-55. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (2001). Listeners' uses of um and uh in speech comprehension. Memory and Cognition, 29 (2), 320-326. pdf The final publication is available at www.springerlink.com http://rd.springer.com/article/10.3758/BF03194926

Fox Tree, J. E. (2000). Coordinating spontaneous talk. In L. R. Wheeldon (Ed.), Aspects of Language Production (pp. 375-406). Philadelphia: Psychology Press. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E., & Meijer, P. J. A. (2000). Untrained speakers' use of prosody in syntactic disambiguation and listeners' interpretations. Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 63, 1-13. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E., & Schrock, J. C. (1999). Discourse markers in spontaneous speech: Oh what a difference an oh makes. Journal of Memory and Language, 40, 280-295. pdf This material has been accepted after peer review. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by Academic Press. This material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission (copyright 1999 Academic Press; http://www.idealibrary.com).

Fox Tree, J. E. (1999). Listening in on monologues and dialogues. Discourse Processes, 27, 35-53. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E., & Meijer, P. J. A. (1999). Building syntactic structure in speaking. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 28, 71-92. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E., & Clark, H. H. (1997). Pronouncing "the" as "thee" to signal problems in speaking. Cognition, 62, 151-167. pdf

Fox Tree, J. E. (1995). The effects of false starts and repetitions on the processing of subsequent words in spontaneous speech. Journal of Memory and Language, 34, 709-738. pdf

Text and Photo © Jean E. Fox Tree, 2011

Work may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission.