The Cultural Nature of Human Development

Barbara Rogoff. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Winner of the 2005 William James Book Award of the American Psychological Association. See article (pdf).

The Cultural Nature of Human Development
identifies patterns in the differences and similarities among cultural communities, such as children's opportunities to engage in mature activities of their community or in specialized child-focused activities. The book examines classic aspects of development afresh from a cultural angle – childrearing, social relations, interdependence and autonomy, developmental transitions across the lifespan, gender roles, attachment, and learning and cognitive development. See review.


"This book is absolutely refreshing and revolutionary. I know of no other work that has accomplished what Rogoff has in this book. I have underlined so much that the book reeks of magic marker colors. It is a brave effort on her part and one that is sorely needed in the field. Rogoff clearly breaks new ground here." -Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University

"Barbara Rogoff's book is fresh, engaging, and challenging: must-see material for all interested in the way development unfolds in social contexts."
-Jacqueline J. Goodnow, Macquarie University, Australia

"Essential reading for any psychologist, but particularly for anyone concerned with the role of culture in the process of human development. Barbara Rogoff has done the field a great service by writing an account of the role of culture in development that will be of equal interest to undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals in the field."
-Michael Cole, University of California, San Diego

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