-- THE SYNTAX OF OUR ENGLISH FRAGMENT -- same as before, we had one determiner in there -- "most" -- for which we didn't have a semantics before :l EF1syn :i DET -- SEMANTICS :l EF2sem -- we define an direct, compositional interpretation for our Eng. fragment -- expressions of Eng. are interpreted as higher-order functions of various types; the two basic types are Entity (e in Montague semantics) and Bool (t in Montague semantics) :i Entity :i Bool -- this is the interpretation of CNs :t intCN Boy :t intCN :i intCN Boy -- this is the interpretation of proper names :t intNP ALICE -- determiners and NP headed by determiners have translations of the expected Montague-style types :t intDET Every :t intDET Most :t intNP $ NP1 Every Boy :t intNP $ NP1 Most Sword -- the translations for VPs containing intrasitive, transitive and ditransive verbs have the expected Montagovian form :t intVP Laughed :t intVP $ VP1 Helped (NP1 Every Boy) :t intVP $ VP2 Gave (NP1 Every Boy) (NP1 A Sword) -- we can now translate full sentences :t intSent $ Sent (NP1 No Girl) Laughed :t intSent $ Sent (NP1 No Girl) (VP1 Helped (NP1 Every Boy)) :t intSent $ Sent (NP1 No Girl) (VP2 Gave (NP1 Every Boy) (NP1 A Sword)) -- finally, restrictive relative clauses with a subject or object gap are translated in the expected Montagovian way :t intRCN $ RCN1 Boy That Laughed :t intNP $ NP2 Every (RCN1 Boy That Laughed) :t intSent $ Sent (NP2 Every (RCN1 Boy That Laughed)) Smiled :t intRCN $ RCN2 Boy That (NP1 A Girl) Loved :t intNP $ NP2 Every (RCN2 Boy That (NP1 A Girl) Loved) :t intSent $ Sent (NP2 Every (RCN2 Boy That (NP1 A Girl) Loved)) Smiled -- the interpretation of full sentences yields truth values, for example ... -- the set of boys in the model is {LittleMook,Atreyu} -- the set of girls in the model is {SnowWhite,Alice,Dorothy,Goldilocks} -- the set of love-pairs in the model is {(Atreyu,Ellie),(Bob,SnowWhite),(Remmy,SnowWhite),(SnowWhite,LittleMook)} -- the set of smilers in the model is {Alice,Bob,Cyrus,Dorothy,Ellie,Fred,Goldilocks,LittleMook} -- therefore, "Every boy that a girl loved smiled" is true b/c LittleMook is the only boy loved by a girl and LittleMook is in the set of smilers intSent $ Sent (NP2 Every (RCN2 Boy That (NP1 A Girl) Loved)) Smiled -- ... and "No boy that a girl loved smiled" is false intSent $ Sent (NP2 No (RCN2 Boy That (NP1 A Girl) Loved)) Smiled -- an example using name constants: intSent $ Sent SNOWWHITE (VP1 Loved LITTLEMOOK) -- more examples (from the "Comp. Sem." textbook) intSent $ Sent (NP1 The Princess) Laughed intSent $ Sent (NP1 The Giant) Shuddered intSent $ Sent (NP1 A Dwarf) Cheered intSent $ Sent (NP1 No Wizard) Laughed intSent $ Sent (NP1 A Dwarf) (VP1 Defeated (NP1 A Giant))